[center] And the bridge crumbled away with the souls of the hopeless. [/center] I've had a shit week, I'll be honest, it has me dragging my heels and severely crippling my mood, compounded by work and my personal matters bleeding all over the place. Just everything. Alexia and Danny are being wonderful distractions, unfortunately their pain is blurring onto my own and blending to the point where I'm having trouble separating them. I imagine I'll churn out my post within the next day or so, so no worries. I've actually had this response sitting open in a tab and I feel a bit better than I did yesterday. You know, I swear, I dreamed of Alexia and Cadian, in a situation that arises in a fight, like you mentioned. A lot of verbal lashes, cruel words that taunt, jab, spoken from a deeply seeded rage - not at each other, but the world - and it wasn't the first fight, but rather one that has been building up over time, situations, words, frustration and so on that had been built up and ends rather ugly. Alexia runs to Danny, Cadian runs to Yumi. All very dramatic... That's excellent, whilst all the fun is happening, there is a continuous ring of events happening beneath everyone, none the wiser. It's wonderfully exciting to say the least, considering Cadian is bound to this man in terms of money. And money can cause a lot of problems. I don't have any music today, haven't opened up any of my lists quite yet. But adding those to my collection for sure. And thank you, I felt a change was needed for my set, so I whipped one up. I love your new one, very conceptual and appealing. Those dresses, and that model, are absolutely amazing. That's such a brilliant shoot, talk about walking, loving, breathing art. ♥