[quote=@Zardoric] [@sassy1085][@Sombrero][@EurmalEye][@Celaira][@Carmel Cat][@Xandrya] First an update: I count 6 interested players so far (one in PM) and this has been up less then a day. I will not be able to make a main thread for this RP until next Wednesday due to real life stuff, but I will continue to add more info here. Added the list of magical classes available. If you think a type of magic is missing or not correctly represented then please feel free to bring it up. The more [s]verity[/s] variety the better. Note: There may be a reason a type of magic is missing, Demonology and healing for instance. Healing is a result, not classification, and several types of magic can heal in different ways. Demons on the other hand don't exist, or at the very least can't be summoned. Many Magic users create what they want to believe are demons, but no one has any kind of magic that can connect to any other realms or dimensions, whether they exist or not. Bringing the dead back to life is also impossible. No one really knows why. Next, Some answers: For those who wish to help Co-GM, Please PM me and [@Pikmin Eye]. He has (finally) officially agreed to help co-host this with me. He has already put in some effort on this. We are friends in real life and have spent some time discussing this RP, and he knows most of the source material I'll be pulling many of the spells themselves from as well as, or better, then I do. As a Co-GM you will be responsible for a couple of teachers, each of which is in charge of multiple classes. Due to the size of the school (no more then ~300 students at a time, 200 or so of which are newcomers,) teachers don't always have things to do, some of your teachers won't be doing anything other then an occasional appearance. Only I and the Co-host will control teachers or senior students. All player characters will start the RP ten minutes before the letter teleports you. Of course you can back-story in your first post, or lead up to the moment, but they will be a new student. If any of you have more questions, feel free to ask. Speaking of questions... [@R31GN] Are you interested in playing as well? [/quote] Nah, just kinda wanted to see if Collage was really a typo or not. Collage of Magic -now that's interesting as hell.