I doubt it had much to do with any singular cause other than the passage of time. I mean yeah old spammers have moved on or been banned but also we just grew up I think. I did at least. I was much more fun (and probably more obnoxious) as a teenager in Spam than the boring psuedo-adult I am now. The internet was a major part of my life back then and I had a lot of online friends, a lot of whom dropped off the edge of the world without a word, or slowly petered out as they lost interest in the forum or found better things to do with their time. As a result I started coming online less and less, because I knew the people I always talked to wouldn't likely be around, and I also found other things to do. In college I was so busy I only checked in every few months or so, and it wasn't as if anyone missed me so I had no reason to make an effort. The community aspect that originally attracted me to the shit hole that was Spam just kinda dissipated. People find other things to do with their time when they're bored, and Spam got boring over time for a lot of reasons but I don't think it's fair to blame any singular people for that, it's just what happens.