[h3][color=ed1c24]Old Man Johnson[/color][/h3]
[color=ed1c24]"So this is the Magical Jobs Institute?"[/color]

The Old Man entered the building while examining it from head to toe, his sidekick-of-a-sword Re'svex floating beside him in a sheath. 

[color=ed1c24]"I honestly expected it to be more... how do I put it... grand?"[/color]

Honestly, the place looked rather cliché and dull. Johnson figured there would at least be a bit more of an elegant feel or maybe even a risky environment to accompany all of the hype he was given for this place. It looked fine, but just seemed very bleak and bland all things considered. After looking around a bit more in the institute, he found two people, who both seemed eager for adventuring and payment. the first one looked like a young male of badgerfolk descent, and had a positively righteous aura ([@Weird Tales]). The other was a halfling woman, who he faintly recognized as Miss Hudson. Although he didn't really talk to her or ever meet her for that matter, he did know who she was, and was very curious about why she was here ([@Kejmur]). After a quick thought, he exclaimed to the two people:

[b][color=ed1c24]"OI! YOU GUYS LOOKIN' FOR A GOOD TIME?"[/color][/b]