Warning Lame Teenager Drama Below! So, let's see where to begin... There's this girl that I've liked since sixth grade, lets call her Jane. And then there's this friend that I haven't seen since fifth grade (Let's call him John.) and it's been like nothings changed and we're pretty tight. So it turns out that John likes Jane, which isn't a problem. Something like that has happened before with a closer friend and we're just fine. Anyways it turns out that Jane likes my friend back. I'm a little bummed out but, I'm okay. I don't even want to have a relationship while I'm in high school, so I tell Jane's friends that John likes her too. So,Jane, John, me, and some other friends start a group chat now that school is over so we can stay in contact. John proposes to the group that we go out to get ice cream, one friend declines and Jane is very eager to go. (I don't go out on Sundays so I was going to have to decline to going today anyways.) Anyways, John texts me and says that he wants to go out and get ice cream with friends later, but Jane texted him asking to get ice cream one on one. I'm not mad at John, just a little bummed out. Tl;Dr My friend and my crush are going to start dating and I'm a little down in the dumps. Sorry if that's just rambling, I just wanted to get that off my chest and don't want to read through it.