[quote=@Taaj] If those song titles were truly run-on sentences they would be far more massive than what could likely fit on the back of an album, or the single line of a track name, posing a possible problem for most desktop media players, as I'm not sure they have a wrap-text feature, which would be useless for most sensible bands/singers (Creed, Alanis Morisette, Nickleback, ACDC), and only useful for silly bands like Fall Out Boy or Chiodos, rendering the feature relatively unfeasible when it comes to proposing such a measure to an IT department, which would have to put in labor hours to create a rarely-used feature, and when the bands who use extreme run on sentences as song titles revert to using single words as titles instead (Fall Out Boy- Centuries, for example), that feature will be even more useless, and everyone will be pretty sad, with the exception of that one guy who listened to "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of it Yet" repeatedly in seventh grade and just never fucking stopped, I mean, [i]fuck[/i] that guy, who cares? [/quote] [quote=@Fallout Boy Album]"If those song titles were truly run-on sentences they would be far more massive than what could likely fit on the back of an album, or the single line of a track name, posing a possible problem for most desktop media players, as I'm not sure they have a wrap-text feature, which would be useless for most sensible bands/singers (Creed, Alanis Morisette, Nickleback, ACDC), and only useful for silly bands like Fall Out Boy or Chiodos, rendering the feature relatively unfeasible when it comes to proposing such a measure to an IT department, which would have to put in labor hours to create a rarely-used feature, and when the bands who use extreme run on sentences as song titles revert to using single words as titles instead (Fall Out Boy- Centuries, for example), that feature will be even more useless, and everyone will be pretty sad, with the exception of that one guy who listened to "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of it Yet" repeatedly in seventh grade and just never fucking stopped, I mean, fuck that guy, who cares?"[/quote]