If it's alright, may I join in? Name: Jennifer "Jenny" Miller Age: 23 Female Appearance: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=black+haired+girl&view=detailv2&qpvt=black+haired+girl&id=0F7E63C19AAE8ECB4E37F0656E41B8DF140CEE0D&selectedIndex=0&ccid=N3x4rKUe&simid=608021586069293248&thid=OIP.M377c78aca51ea23e03ea2f9322a819c6H1&ajaxhist=0 In-depth appearance: Jenny is a tiny girl, standing all of 4'10. She wears small gold earrings. Personality: "And though she be but little, she is fierce!" These words might have been written four hundred years ago, but they apply perfectly to Jenny today. She never backs down from a challenge. The unknown doesn't frighten her; on the contrary, it excites her. Hobbies: Running, traveling, reading.