[@Aspen Wren] We spoke briefly in the interest check and so here we are... [hider=Lucy] [center][b]Name:[/b] Lucy Rucker [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7c/60/d8/7c60d8eae16ff4a4dadcc6b9f1266b11.jpg[/IMG] [b]In-Depth Appearance:[/b] Lucy stands at just under five foot six with strawberry blond hair and golden brown eyes. She's quite pale and her face is fairly round with very few freckles to speak of despite most of her family having them. Her hair is naturally wavy and she almost always leaves it down though she will venture the occasional braid. Lucy keeps reasonably in shape just from her active tendencies and hatred of sitting around. [b]Personality:[/b] Lucy is one of those wild souls, not people who feel at peace in nature but people who easily grow bored of daily life. The kind of person who convinced her 5th grade classmates that her name was actually Fiona because she got tired of her own name. The kind of person who remedied her boredom by mercilessly terrorizing her home town and school with elaborate pranks that would never been attributed to her if she hadn't confessed at her graduation. This history of juvenile delinquency makes her more suspicious and skeptical as that is the kind of mentality she had to have to keep from getting caught. Lucy is always planning something, always on the move, and always looking to spice up her life. She has a propensity to sneak around and lie for no reason and she has the skills to do both. One her philosophies on life is that the rules don't apply to you as long as you don't get caught breaking them. [b]Hobbies:[/b] She loves puzzles, riddles and just about anything that isn't mundane [b]Extra:[/b] She runs a satirical website that pokes fun at everything from cooking shows to politics. [/center] [/hider]