[quote=@Keyguyperson] >Calling liberals socialist [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Vdb_ParFCks/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [/quote] Well, we are talking about Canadian liberals here. We're all socialists. Our "Conservative" Party is Pro-Choice, and believes in Socialized Single-Payer Medicare (à la Bernie Sanders). [quote=@Vilageidiotx] Semi-seriously, I think,I'd be disappointed in everyone involved. Like if you are socialist you shouldn't be wasting your political capital on a song you annoy elementary school music students with, and it shows a lack of a real platform if conservatives could run on an anthem ticket. If I were president of the US and someone put a put a bill on my table proposing we make "Hollaback girl" the national anthem, I'd sign it just to get it out of the way so we can get back to growed up stuff. [/quote] We are the nation of petty bullshit. The main issue of the last election wasn't the economy, or the environment, or immigration. It was whether or not Muslim women had to remove their Niqabs before voting (because it covers the face). Our Prime Minister is the guy who released a public apology for Canada refusing a boatload of Indian immigrants, who were trying to enter the country illegally, A HUNDRED YEARS AGO... When our last Prime Minister already apologized for that same incident ten years ago.