[quote=@Vilageidiotx] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-MWRuOoET0[/youtube] and then Francis Scott Key watches the battle, writes a poem about it, the poem gets paired up with a drinking song, and that is how the National Anthem was born. What does the Monarchy even do for Canada, aside from creating that "Loser country that won't move out of Mom's basement" effect? I mean, surely you could be part of the Commonwealth without having to say that some British celebrity as your de jure Head of State. [/quote] "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." Fuck you too, America. The monarchy does jack-shit. We like keeping the Queen around because we prefer to think of ourselves as British-esque, not like those savages across our southern border. Conservatives, especially, have an obsession with putting the Queen on everything. One of Trudeau's first actions, after the election, was to remove a ton of the portraits of the Queen that our last PM had put all over Parliament. Not even joking.