I have heard stuff like that from other parts of the Commonwealth, and I admit it's something my Americaness makes impossible for me to wrap my head around. Like, the thing you are most proud of is another country's tourist attraction? And why would take pride in the fact you used to not even be a country? It's a little depressing. I mean, come on Canada, you can do stuff for yourself now. Put poutine on the Canadian dollar! That's yours. You made it. Take a little pride in yourselves. You won't be in the history books 1000 years down the line with an attitude like that. As for the holiday thing, I don't know what you guys would want to change in Canada, but for the US I am totally on board with renaming Columbus Day. That guy was a fuck. My general rule with whether this works historically is "Did the people back then also think this person was a fuck", just to make sure we aren't judging historical people with modern views. Since Columbus was thrown in prison for being a cruel fuck by the 16th century Spanish of all goddamn people, I think we can safely damn him and give the holiday to somebody else.