[center][color=6A5ACD][h1][b]Intro[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=008B8B][h3]After conflicts puled at the strings of peace, the world is thrown into yet another war. Nuclear weapons were unleashed upon millions and when those failed to wipe out the population, countries began creating biological weapons that they released into the populous. After countless attempts to destroy life as everyone knew it, they finally succeeded. With the death toll in the billions. who knows how many are left alive or what kind of abominations preside in the now crumbled and overgrown cities.[/h3][/color] [center][color=008B8B][h1][b]Background[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=6A5ACD][h3]As the government fell, different "republics" rose, but as all things that rise they quickly fell when the biological warfare began. Thousands got sick or died instantly, but many survived it. Through those survivors, the sanctions lived on. Many took on fellow survivors and integrated them into their groups. These groups slowly turned to gangs, or specified sanctions. The few that reside outside of gangs are left to fend for themselves, but most get pulled into gang camps for integration. After a few years, the earthquakes have finally subsided and the ocean has overtaken back some on the land in the costal cities. Towns are now empty and cities are full of death. Radiation still holds residence in the major cities and capitols. As a survivor, gang member, or wonderer everyone has to fight to survive. Confrontations tend to be deadly and cities are dead zones. Every turn can be suspenseful or even lead to something dangerous. Beware the wonderers in the middle of the cities, they may seem dead but they still roam.[/h3][/color] [center][color=008B8B][h1][b]Rules[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=6A5ACD][h3][list] [*]No god-modding, please [*]Have fun, that's what this is all about! [*]If you are going to have a fatal confrontation with another player, please notify that player and me before doing such [*]If you're gonna drop PLEASE let me know, I rather know if you're not in than end up bugging you[/list][/h3][/color] [center][color=6A5ACD][h2][b]Character Sheet[/b][/h2][/color][/center] [center][color=6A5ACD][b]Character Sheet will be posted on OOC page[/b][/color][/center]