[quote=@hayley] Oh Lordy I am triggered by this post [hider=In case this isn't a troll:] ● No ● Nope ● We aren't the only self aware species (just Google it..) ● You don't have to be self aware to feel pain and fear, so maybe you should think about whether you're OK with that before you tuck into your hot dog (and if you are, more power to you, just don't con yourself into thinking that animal are numb, dumb, senseless creatures, they're smarter and more aware than your toddler) ● What the duck was even your point anyway? ● Just because you are something's superior doesn't mean you have to subjugate or kill it ffs ● Farm animals are practically so over bred that they can barely procreate without human intervention so it's not like they're going to be competing for the same resources as us. Also, we're not ducking ruminants, we can't even eat the same food as most farm animals, and just, ugh, take some high school biology dammit [/HIDER] [/quote] Pretty sure it was mostly sarcasm on Awson's part. In which case, ya blew it.