[quote=@Awson] Well, there was a bit of exaggeration and joking. My point was that, on a species-scale, everything besides humans might be doomed. I don't actually support senseless animal killing. Edit: Senseless not including 'for useful resources.' [/quote] Close, but not quite. There are now around 20 billion chickens in the world, mostly in factory farms. There's that xkcd infographic that shows the number of farm animals compared to wild. We're not annihilating nature, we're changing it to something constrained. Pesky predators get limited to national parks, then zoos. Farm animals are bred beyond recognition, so they can barely move, we can pack them together in sheds now thanks to antibiotics. Until we can make plankton mcnuggets, animals are here to stay, but we'll eventually only encounter them where they are aesthetically desirable. Most environmentalists don't even really support the restoration of real nature, but instead an idea of nature which visually appeals to us.