[hider=Daniel Ortega][center] [b]Name:[/b] Daniel Ortega [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/73e6bd31d78c0f8b44a133940aa791ea/tumblr_o0t17uU9ig1qamfowo1_500.png[/img] [b]Backstory/Bio:[/b] In a land where only the strong survive, Daniel's birth was just another burden. Daniel born into a gang of scavengers. Weak at birth and only getting weaker, no one expected him to live longer than a year. Even his mother considered throwing him out into the outskirts as mercy. It was only through his grandfather, the gang's hearty leader, that Daniel managed to survive. His grandfather, Marcus Ortega, was a large man. Though reaching old age, he was still as fit as a bull and just as strong. He became a sort of mentor towards Daniel, passing on his methods of survival. Soon, he learned how to hunt, fight, and--most importantly--heal. Daniel was drawn to the ancient medical books his grandfather had managed to salvage. Often times, he'd spend hours studying and working, determined to no longer be the deadweight. Soon he learned how to fix bones, which herbs to cure illnesses, and save lives. But everything changed on one drastic night. A rival gang had launched a surprise attack on Daniel's, raiding and ravaging their camp. Despite his frantic insistence on helping, his grandfather sent Daniel away to hide in the nearby forest. When the attack was over, nothing remained. Everything and everyone was gone. With no home left, Daniel took to wandering the land on his own. He now travels from settlement to settlement, exchanging supplies for his healing talents. All for the sake of survival. [b]Personality:[/b] It's hard to like Daniel the first time you meet him. Or the second time. Or most of the time, for that matter. Stubborn and sarcastic, he's unapologetically blunt, and won't hesitate to snap at even those more powerful than him. Despite his prickly exterior, Daniel cares deeply for the few folks that manage to stick around. He shows compassion through actions, and will risk everything to protect the people he loves. He's not much of a fighter, preferring to stand back and assist rather than get up close and killed. [b]Equipment/Gear-[/b] [indent] [u]Weapon 1:[/u] Bow and Arrow[/indent] [b]Items in possession: [/b] [indent]•Three days worth of food rations •Gallon of water •Bandages •Medical supplies •Extra arrows[/indent] [b]Specialties-[/b] 1) Medicinal knowledge 2) Hunting 3) Tracking [/center][/hider] Hope this is alright!