Nianxi (and Xiandra) once again found themselves in the dreamscape. However, there was no Menos around this time, nor was it a just a white void of nothingness. It was a plain, with a forest nearby, and a beaten road slithering by the edge of the treeline. "[b]This... looks familiar..[/b]" said Xiandra, noticing a group of riders in the distance. Nianxi could not deny it, this did look familiar, unnervingly so. As the riders got closer to the edge of the forest, something rustled nearby in the tree line, though the duos' attention was drawn upon the riders - it was her family, when Nianxi was just 6. Her father, with Serilya resting in his sheath, her older brother, twice Nianxi's age, and her twin brother riding in the back, on ponies. Nianxi ran to meet them, to see her dead family again, but they did not see her, she was like a ghost in her own memory. But why this memory, why now, as she braced for what was about to happen. A hail of arrows shot out from the tree tops, all missing, except one, hitting Nianxi's father Reman in the shoulder. The little Nianxi screamed in horror, as a group of bandits rushed out of the dark forest - it was an ambush. The arrow, however, was soon pushed out of the wound, and the wound closed moments after, as Reman unmounted the horse, swinging his sword upwards. The sword grew in length tenfold, and with a mighty cleave, the trees were cut, archers falling to their deaths and being crushed by the very trees they were just sitting on. Meanwhile, the old brother and the twins sat shivering on the horses, though hate was starting to replace fear in the little Nianxi. How dare they attack them? And then, a stray arrow from a desperate bandit archer hit her horse in the head, killing it instantly, but not before Nianxi managed to get off it so the poor pony (she was too small for a horse at that age) doesn't fall on her. Any wounds inflicted on Nianxi's father were healed instantly, and this massive ambush, no doubt a part of some sinister plot gave ample supplies of blood for Serilya. In Reman's hands, The Crimson Blade was cutting through the swords of the bandits, clearly of a good craftsmanship, like paper. In a few minutes, a small army of well - equipped bandits was reduced to a few frightened men, laying down their arms and begging for mercy. And Reman gave his word to spare them, after all, someone wanted him and his family dead, so he needed answers. But the small Nianxi wasn't having any of that, as she equipped a small dagger she was carrying (as are all of her family members), and running straight at one of the attackers, tears in her eyes, screaming. As the mercenary turned around expecting a few slaps from an angry and scared little girl, he received a dagger in his neck. However, since she was only 6, she wasn't really able to do what she intended, so she kept slashing and slashing and slashing, while everyone was too shocked to stop her from brutally killing that man. After her rampage, Nianxi dropped her bloody dagger, as blood was splatter all over her expensive little dress, slumped on the ground and started sobbing. Without saying a word, Reman patted Nianxi on the back, as he motioned for the elder son to go find some help back in the city. And then, it all vanished, as riders once again appeared in the distance... [b]"Ah, an encore. One I did not ask for.[/b] Xiandra muttered. [b]"You looked pretty angry there, sis. Really angry."[/b] Xiandra, her "sister", talking about hate. She did not know the powerful hate within Nianxi, this time, however, it was for the demonkind. And then, something completely different happened. As the memory continued to play on, from the other side of the plain a spectral figure appeared, with Serilya in hand, glowing in deep crimson. The figure looked very similar to Nianxi, but her skin was pale and there were fangs in her mouth. As the spectral figure appeared, Nianxi felt extreme weakness come over her, dropping her to the ground. Even breathing became hard, as foreign thoughts started to attack her mind. [b]"Give in, this is your future"[/b], [b]"Forsake your imperf self, and be reborn in hatred and blood"[/b] the voices whispered, constantly assaulting her mind. As this happened, Nianxi herself, barely breathing, started turning pale, much akin to the spectral figure. But so did Xiandra... [b]"What the hell are you doing to us? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?"[/b] Xiandra yelled, but the entity did no answer. Instead, it attacked, and in the dream, neither of the "sisters" possessed the sword. Nearby, the memory yet again arrived at the part of Nianxi slashing away at the mercenary with blind hate. In fact, that particular scene got stuck on the loop. As the whispers were trying to break Nianxi's mind, Xiandra was busy avoiding the spectre's attacks. Thinking on her feet, Xiandra figured this memory is a key, a key to something. The spectre stopped for a moment, turned around, and started walking towards Nianxi. [b]"Don't you dare do that! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!"[/b] Xiandra screamed, hate starting to boil within her twisted psyche, the very same hate Nianxi felt back then near the forest, and feels now, and is almost controlled by it. The spectre was nearly at her destination, ready to execute Nianxi. And hate was now boiling within Xiandra - no one, NO ONE messes with her alter ego. As if an instinct, Xiandra placed her hand on the ground, and a sigil was formed beneath the entity's feet. The sigil quickly turned black, with obsidian barbed wires springing from the ground, ensnaring and constricting the spectre, [b]"MY HATE WILL FUEL YOUR AGONY, BITCH!"[/b] Xiandra screamed, though by the end, her voice was muffled, and the dream was deconstructing itself. The intrusive thoughts and weakness suddenly gone, Nianxi gets up, only to see something peculiar. Once again, there was nothing of the dream but a white void. In the centre of that void was a spectral version of Nianxi, one half with red eyes - Nianxi, and the other half with black eyes - Xiandra. Vertically across their spectral image was some kind of festering wound. The Nianxi's half was holding Serilya in it's hand, chained by crimson red chains. Xiandra's side had a swirling orb of black flame above her hand, which was also chained, but with gleaming black chains. Soon after inspecting the curious image, the part of the wound sealed up, as well as a few links of chain falling of both hands. It gave a sense of serenity for both of them. [b]"So this what hate feels like... I... Never thought I am the hateful part of the identity schism, but looks like we have at least that in common, Nianxi."[/b] But once again, these words began to fade into silence, as Nianxi's eventful dream has ended, and the rest of her night was to be dreamless. [b][Xiandra learns the Circle of Hatred power][/b]