"Okay so the gist is you are a patient in a psych ward on a remote island with limited memories do to them keeping you drugged ect. Eventually, a boy you've never seen before comes in telling you they are lying and you have superpowers. You can believe him or not but as you stop taking your medications you notice manifestations of said powers returning. You may be freaked, excited, or whatever, but in order to escape the island you have to master the powers without getting caught by the warden or you will be severely punished. You also can't rely on your own abilities alone. You'll need help." “With great power comes great responsibility." [b][ASHERS' STORY][/b] [i]I was eight years old when they came for me, when my parents sold me, because I'm not like you... I have a curse. I have a gift. I'm a monster. I'm more than human. They took everything from me; my life, my future, my sanity, my freedom. My eyes aren't normal, I'm not normal, and my life isn't normal. All I know is pain, I live in a constant fuzzy state; I don't know what up is or what down is. I haven't seen the sunlight in four-thousand-and-fifteen days. I don't know what the wind feels like, or what the grass smells like early in the morning. All I know, all I've ever known was the constant screams of pain, the clanking of metal doors, the silent stab of the needle as they test more drugs on me, and the constant feeling of insanity as I lose my mind. Darkness is all that surrounds me when I'm awake, when I'm asleep. Voices tell me lies of where I came from. They say I’m schizophrenic. They want to hide my memories in the pitch black void. They’ve stolen my vision in hopes to control me or rather that is what they think. Those who’ve died here tell me differently. Though, I can only see them and nothing else, they say my real vision will return when I find the Rx-Z7618b. The lost souls help me, calling me back from my oblivion. The doctors tell me I will be moved to a separate ward in order to help my rehabilitation. All I know is the soft squeak of the broken wheel on my wheelchair as we travel down the hall. All I feel is the constraining feel of the cloth surrounding my body and the restraints that hold me to the mobile chair of death. They say I will be free to roam and laugh in mockery commenting it's irrelevant...I won’t see where I’m going. Removing the straight jacket they dump me out of the chair as I fumble feeling nothing but the cold ground. Fingertips grope until they find the metal bars of the bed. There will be others too. They aren’t like me. They never knew they aren’t normal. That they are gifted. The doctors think I’ve forgotten. I won’t. I can’t. I will escape. WE WILL ESCAPE. This place WILL be DESTROYED.[/i] [b][PLOT][/b] Welcome to Mooncrest Island’s Psychiatric Ward for the mentally ill and unstable. The ward itself is on a hidden island owned by governmental forces beyond anyone’s control. You are a patient here and do not obtain many memories of your life before coming here. Often times they come in flashes. You are here because you are ‘[i]Gifted[/i]’ another word used for those with supernatural abilities. Those who sent you here did so either from fear, hopes of keeping you protected, negligence, or merely in the hopes of keeping monsters like you away from civilization. Nevertheless, you have been here since childhood. You have no memory of your supernatural gifts, but you know deep down that there is something special about you. You’re not crazy. You’ve always lived this way. Taking the medication they give you, never questioning the fuzziness, short term memory, and drowsiness it causes. It keeps you from thinking. Thinking is dangerous. Suddenly, a boy appears that you have never seen before. His name-tag states Asher; he is mysterious, seeming to know things you do not, talking to those who aren’t there. In the beginning, the patients write him off as just another nut job. A blind kid who cracked under the pressure….but Asher never fumbles around. He doesn’t lose his way, never having problems with large crowds or new places. Also, when he is talking to the nonexistent people you can almost feel a presence. You decide to hear him out. He tells you the truth of you being different, tells you how you’re being suppressed. He tells you to quit taking the medicine, only pretending you had. You may believe him or write him off once more. Nonetheless, when you stop out of curiosity you start to notice differences. Your powers begin to return. Now there’s a new problem: everyone needs to learn to control their powers without being caught. If you are caught you will be severely punished, possible never seeing the light of day again... to be tortured forever. Asher knows the building better than anyone…even places most the doctors don’t know. Can you master your abilities and free yourself from Mooncrest Island? Or will you simply be locked away forever, lost to the abyss. [b]Rooms in the Asylum:[/b] -[b]Psych ward:[/b] location of all the rooms. You will have a roommate unless there is an odd one out. -[b]Warden’s Room:[/b] She is essentially the devil and you want to avoid her at all costs. -[b]Cafeteria:[/b] consist of kitchen (forbidden zone) and dining area -[b]Solitary Confinement:[/b] if you must be punished you will go here -[b]Community room:[/b] a common place but it is observed by overseer’s -[b]Maintenance closet:[/b] starting place of the tunnels hidden in the walls -[b]Courtyard:[/b] fenced in -[b]Rooms under renovation:[/b] free from security observations/ perfect for practice. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nickname:[/b] (real name based or asylum based nickname) [b]Age:[/b] (17-21) [b]Looks:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]“Psychiatric” condition:[/b] (What the hospital says you have) [b]Actual Powers: [/b](Limited to two. Nothing ‘god-like’.) [b]History:[/b] (could be hospital or what you remember about your real life) (Remember you don’t know you have powers but the memory can give a vague hinting) [b]Crush:[/b] (optional) [b]Other:[/b] (opt) [b]Played by:[/b]