[center][color=darkgray][h3][i][b]“With great power comes great responsibility."[/b][/i][/h3][/color][/center] [color=mediumblue][b][ASHERS' STORY][/b][/color] [i]I was eight years old when they came for me, when my parents sold me, because I'm not like you... I have a curse. I have a gift. I'm a monster. I'm more than human. They took everything from me; my life, my future, my sanity, my freedom. My eyes aren't normal, I'm not normal, and my life isn't normal. All I know is pain, I live in a constant fuzzy state; I don't know what up is or what down is. I haven't seen the sunlight in four-thousand-and-fifteen days. I don't know what the wind feels like, or what the grass smells like early in the morning. All I know, all I've ever known was the constant screams of pain, the clanking of metal doors, the silent stab of the needle as they test more drugs on me, and the constant feeling of insanity as I lose my mind. Darkness is all that surrounds me when I'm awake, when I'm asleep. Voices tell me lies of where I came from. They say I’m schizophrenic. They want to hide my memories in the pitch black void. They’ve stolen my vision in hopes to control me or rather that is what they think. Those who’ve died here tell me differently. Though, I can only see them and nothing else, they say my real vision will return when I find the Rx-Z7618b. The lost souls help me, calling me back from my oblivion. The doctors tell me I will be moved to a separate ward in order to help my rehabilitation. All I know is the soft squeak of the broken wheel on my wheelchair as we travel down the hall. All I feel is the constraining feel of the cloth surrounding my body and the restraints that hold me to the mobile chair of death. They say I will be free to roam and laugh in mockery commenting it's irrelevant...I won’t see where I’m going. Removing the straight jacket they dump me out of the chair as I fumble feeling nothing but the cold ground. Fingertips grope until they find the metal bars of the bed. There will be others too. They aren’t like me. They never knew they aren’t normal. That they are gifted. The doctors think I’ve forgotten. I won’t. I can’t. I will escape. WE WILL ESCAPE. This place WILL be DESTROYED.[/i] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=darkred][b][PLOT][/b][/color] Welcome to Mooncrest Island’s Psychiatric Ward for the "mentally ill and unstable". The ward itself, a large concrete building designed to aid in your...[i]recovery[/i] is on a remote island. No one is really certain of the history behind the Asylum or even who is the current owner to the lot. None of the patients seem to obtain any memories of life before. What scenes do exist are often flashes, usually consisting of broken pieces that don't make sense having no way to fit together. The doctors say the medication helps with this. They lied. The patients here are not mentally unstable, or rather they didn't come here that way. You are here because you are ‘[i]Gifted[/i]’ another word used for those with supernatural abilities. Those who sent you here did so either from fear, hopes of keeping you protected, negligence, or merely in the hopes of keeping monsters like you away from civilization. The true reasoning is irrelevant, either way you have been here since childhood. You have no memory of your supernatural gifts, but you know deep down that there is something special about you. Forces no one can explain. You’re not crazy. You’ve always lived this way. Taking the medication they give you, never questioning the fuzziness, short term memory, and drowsiness it causes. It keeps you from thinking. Thinking is dangerous. Suddenly, a boy appears that you have never seen before. His name-tag states Asher; he is mysterious, seeming to know things you do not, talking to those who aren’t there. In the beginning, the patients write him off as just another nut job. A blind kid who cracked under the pressure….but Asher never fumbles around. He doesn’t lose his way, never having problems with large crowds or new places. Also, when he is talking to the nonexistent people you can almost feel a presence. You decide to hear him out. He tells you the truth of you being different, tells you how you’re being suppressed. He tells you to quit taking the medicine, only pretending you had. You may believe him or write him off once more. Nonetheless, when you stop out of curiosity you start to notice differences. Your powers begin to return. Now there’s a new problem: how can one to learn to control what they do not understand, much less without being caught. If the Warden finds out you will be severely punished, possible never seeing the light of day again... to be tortured forever. Asher knows the building better than anyone…even places most the doctors don’t know. Can you master your abilities and free yourself from Mooncrest Island? Or will you simply be locked away forever, losing your mind and self to an endless abyss? [hider=Rooms in the Asylum] -[b]Psych ward:[/b] 3rd floor. Location of all the rooms. You will have a roommate unless there is an odd one out. -[b]Warden’s Room:[/b] 4th floor. Devil's den. You want to avoid her at all costs. [u]Off limits to patients[/u]. If caught will be [u]severely punished[/u]. -[b]Checkup Rooms/ Operative Rooms:[/b] 4th floor. Where you go for physicals, mental treatment, as well as floor location of main operative rooms. [u]Off limits to patients[/u]. If caught will be [u]severely punished[/u] *unless if escorted*. -[b]Cafeteria:[/b] 1st floor. Consist of kitchen (forbidden zone) and dining area -[b]Solitary Confinement:[/b] Basement. If you must be punished you will go here -[b]Community room:[/b] 1st floor/Lobby. A common place but it is observed by overseer’s -[b]Maintenance closet:[/b] Every floor but 1st. Starting place of the tunnels hidden in the walls -[b]Courtyard:[/b] fenced in -[b]Rooms under renovation:[/b] 2nd/3rd floor. Free from security observations/ perfect for practice. ***Note second floor was damaged due to a small fire, it is structurally sound but there is smoke damage. Only one room was fully compromised. Cause of the fire was due to a Patient who was later removed from program. No one knows what happened to him. Technically, off limits but very little supervision to ensure no one goes here. *** [/hider] [hider=Bio Format] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nickname:[/b] (real name based or asylum based nickname) [b]Age:[/b] (17-21) [b]Looks:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]“Psychiatric” condition:[/b] (What the hospital says you have) [b]Actual 'Gifts': [/b](Limited to two. Nothing ‘god-like’. Include weaknesses/limitations to power) [b]History:[/b] (could be hospital or what you remember about your real life) (Remember you don’t know you have powers but the memory can give a vague hinting) [b]Crush:[/b] (optional) [b]Other:[/b] (opt) [b]Roommate?:[/b] [b]Played by:[/b] [/hider] [u][b]Patient Profile[/b][/u] [hider=Saria (Warden)~ Midnight Howl**] [color=darkred][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Manipulation of electrical ions resulting in shock which can render unconscious or worse. Can break bond between user and ability causing a momentary loss of said ability. [color=darkred][b]Weakness/ Limitation:[/b][/color] She must physically touch the person or object in order to emit either pulse. The latter of her abilities only lasts for a max of 20 seconds and can only be used 3 times before she is unable to maintain consciousness (caused by exhaustion) [/hider] [hider=Asher~ Midnight Howl**] [color=mediumblue][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Asher has the ability to both speak to and see the spiritual forms, dead and alive. He also has the ability to read the emotions of others. [color=mediumblue][b]Weakness/ Limitation:[/b][/color] Though he can see the dead his actual sight has been damaged by the doctors in this asylum leaving him physically blind. Through the manifestation of the spiritual forms in living people and auras he is able to make his way around. However, though the spirits and react with items physically, Asher cannot touch or harm the spirits. Needless to say some of which have evil intent and torture his mind. His ability to read people does not require physical touch but he can not manipulate these emotions. Also, though he knows what they are feeling he won't know what as he is not telepathic. [/hider] [hider=Lunafreya~ Midnight Howl**] [color=purple][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Luna has the ability to manipulate shadows into a physical form that are under her control. The forms have the can actually touch and harm others, unable to be touched themselves. Similarly, she has the ability to conjure up light. (Think candlelight or magelight from Skyrim) However, this is only an illusion ability. [color=purple][b]Weakness/Limitations:[/b][/color] Luna can not make shadows, only able to use what is readily available. Therefore, if there is too much light in the room, removing shadows, or if the room is pitch black she will not be able to use her ability. Her light ability can aid in this if the room is too dark but her range will still be limited. If she emits too much light she will be too drained to use the shadows. Also, the light can not be used for a physical attack. At most it could be a diversion, blinding them for just an instant. [/hider] [hider=Gustav~ Keksalot**] [color=red][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Gustav has the ability to make himself, unnoticeable. It is not that he actually isn't there but similar to a stranger on the street, even if he is standing right in front of you, you still may not see him. His second ability is mimicry. After listening long enough he can perfectly copy someone's voice. [color=red][b]Weakness/Limitations:[/b][/color] Gustav does not know how to control his ability and therefore becomes unnoticeable to everyone rather than just one person. Also, if someone has telepathic, emotional, or another sensory ability it is possible they could still sense him as it is not the same as being invisible. For the latter he can only do a voice and not actually transform into the person.[/hider] [hider=Isodora Fey~ Shadow 007**] [color=cornflowerblue][b]Powers:[/b][/color] She is able to speak with animals via psychic link and has the ability of Pheromone manipulation giving her the ability to make men attracted to her and do her bidding. [color=cornflowerblue][b]Weakness/ Limitations:[/b][/color] If Isadora becomes synchronated with an animal to a certain extent, she loses herself and becomes like a wild animal, the animal she is synched with does as well. She cannot control her sexual pheromones while pregnant and tends to attract males to her to the point they can lose themselves and try to take advantage of her or fight among each other. [/hider] [hider=Gabriel Xerxes~ durkshine749**] [color=green][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Telekinesis and Flight (which is like telekinesis on himself. similar to running and lifting. [color=green][b]Weakness/ Limitations:[/b][/color] Are limited until he gets the hang on them and through state of his well being. [/hider] [hider=Kat (Kit) King~ Fae**] [color=yellow][b]Powers:[/b][/color] She can turn into a fox, and (after practice) switch between the two at will, with senses bleeding over including improved night vision, hearing, and smell. [color=yellow][b]Weakness/ Limitations:[/b][/color] Being an excitable young animal that enjoys shiny things leads to her ADHD, Kleptomania, Hoarding, Claustrophobia, and Pica. Slightly wary of larger predators - large dogs, wolves, bears, big cats, etc. [/hider] [hider=Soren Gale~ Mega Birp**] [color=tan][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Ave Mimicry – The ability to both communicate with and take on aspects of animals belonging to the class Aves. Only one aspect of a bird can be taken on at a time (For example, wings that can grant flight). Nocturnal Vision – The ability to see in the dark as if the room was fully lit. [color=tan][b]Weakness/ Limitations:[/b][/color] Communication is only available as long as an avian is there to listen. Also, the wing flight is limited, more like a glide. The night vision is available at will, though he is vulnerable to sudden shifts in light. The lights in a pitch-black room suddenly being turned on without his knowledge would blind him for roughly ten seconds, followed by a few more of blurry vision. While this ability is in use.[/hider] [hider= Daniel Erdesh (Bodhisattava~ Lucidnonsense] [color=orange][b]Powers[/b][/color] Ego disruption field: Those who gaze upon Bodhisattva experience anomalies in thought not too different from the kind experienced in schizophrenia, thoughts appear outside the mind or coming from external sources, this also somehow enables telepathy which is often troubling for those who are not used to hear voices in the head/see writing on the walls. With concentration, He can focus on specific people to deliver them specific telepathic messages. ESP: While not on anti-psychotics, the Bodhisattva is capable of gleaming information from his environment not understood by science, how this works is completely unknown but The Bodhisattva claims to be communing with the universe. [color=orange][b]Weakness/ Limitations:[/b][/color] Ego disruption field: Anti-Psychotic meditation can reduce this powers effectiveness. Daniel does not exactly control this power, and sometimes thoughts that he projects are secrets that are best kept inside the mind. ESP: this power is often very distracting, much of the information gained is pretty useless to most situations. Both of the powers have the weakness of making it difficult for Daniel to relate to normal human beings, he experiences the world in a profoundly different way. [/hider] [hider=Room Assignments] 301: Kit & Isa 302: Daniel & Gustav 303: Luna & (Open) 304: Gabe & Asher [/hider] [b]Rules:[/b] The usual except: if we have a lack of a certain character, that character can be god-modded. Also, if you don’t reply for 10 consecutive days, you character can be temporarily modded. Finally, if the replies have to be at least two-three well developed paragraphs minimum. If you continuously do a few sentences you will be removed. [color=yellow][b]Just PM me the bio for approval.[/b][/color] Any questions feel free to pm me ^-^ ((I'm adding more so this is a little rough ))