[center]Celine Lowe, 18 [img]http://s8.favim.com/orig/150826/beautiful-fashion-girl-pale-Favim.com-3186785.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Celine is nothing short of grim. Her outlook on the world could be described, quite childishly, as doom and gloom. She is known for her depressing nature, even causing a few breakdowns in other patients from speaking out about her views on the world. These views are that it is scary, dark and nothing good can come in the future. She doesn’t see herself as living, she sees herself as walking dead. This isn’t a view she has solely for herself, she doesn't think anyone has a chance at life and is not afraid to say it. However outside of the dreary, misguided teen is a very intelligent young woman. Celine is apt with a pen and paper. She is a poet, and a darn good one at that. Although most of her poetry revolves around darkness, madness and death it is still very good all the same. She keeps a small diary of poems hidden in her mattress, so they don’t find them and think she needs more medicine due to their dark nature. Other than writing, she also enjoys to read and prefers solitude over companionship. She is cold as ice on the outside however if you are able to push your way in she is an open book, perhaps too trusting of those she believes deserve it. This is a trait that has gotten her in trouble a lot in the past. Celine is also a rebel, usually fighting against the team of doctors and nurses that are there to “help” the patients, refusing to take her medicine and even getting locked away one or two (or five) times. She continues to fight against there control, and demands constantly to be allowed freedom over her own mind. Something she has not yet accomplished, but is dead set on doing. [b]“Psychiatric” condition:[/b] Celine is diagnosed with severe depressive disorder with a tendency towards self-mutilation. The doctors also have her on large dosages of anti-anxiety medication due to several severe, and seemingly random, breakdowns. [b]Actual 'Gifts':[/b] Celine is a clairvoyant. She has the ability to see the future when touching certain objects or people. This gift, or perhaps the better description would be curse, makes her appear to have depressive thoughts. Unbeknownst to her these thoughts of darkness and horror at actually small snippets of the future, hardly just fragments of things that are to come anywhere in the world. They keep her so heavily medicated due to these so called "intrusive thoughts" that they come through only as a vague feeling of wrongness. If Celine finds out about her gift/curse she will learn a grim truth. Though she may be able to tell the future, this future is set in stone. Any attempt to change an event will result in a consequence equal to, or greater than, the severity of the original. [b]History:[/b] She is unsure of her past, save for a single nightmare that she has had every night for as long as she can remember. The nightmare depicts a man and a woman, the two are dead and hanging in the entry way of the house. The nightmare always ends right as the woman opens her eyes. [b]Crush:[/b] open [b]Roommate:[/b] open [b]Played by:[/b] Verisimilitude[/center]