[center][h1] [color=DarkGray][b][i]“All warfare is based on deception.”[/i][/b] [/color] [/h1] [/center] [center] [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQfF84ackMM ] Atmospheric Music [/url] [/center] [center] [img] https://latimesphoto.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/fa_168_nightscene2_970.jpg [/img] [/center] In a world where humanity has evolved alongside all manner of mythical creatures, [i]Santa Somabra[/i] is a sleazy, crime ridden city in the American West; a filthy metropolis caught in a seemingly unending whirlwind of gang wars and criminal activity. Cars splutter past, and gawking passers-by shamble aimlessly down grimy roads, as unseen mob bosses plot to destroy one another. Santa Somabra is a bleak, soulless city, where the strong pray on the weak, and those who have been spat out by civilized society turn when they have nowhere left to go. The great crime families and ruthless gangs dominate Santa Somabra, with the law enforcement sat comfortably in their pockets –either brought or scared into submission-. The bloodthirsty criminals of Santa Somabra launch skirmishes against one another in a desperate attempt to seize another scrap of land, or a crate of guns; all cogs spinning away in the twisted machine of death and debauchery. Those who make it in Santa Somabra do so by leaving all laws and moral codes in the dust, and stomping on whoever they can to climb up another crooked rung in the twisted social ladder. The Year is 1953. The Korean War has just fizzled out, yet the nation is still recovering from the blows dealt to it eight years ago, during World War Two. Tensions are rising between the Italians and The Hanged Men, as the city braces itself for a seemingly inevitable gang war. Whilst the Italians have the numbers, the citizens of Santa Somabra are petrified with fear at the stories that are spoken of the Hanged Men, which gang leader Judas is using to utmost advantage; terrifying his weaker rivals into submission. On top of that, a surprise endorsement from the Nyctari Family places the Hanged Men in a position where they pose a very real threat to the Italians. The City sits poised on the brink of all out war, whilst the rest of Santa Somabra looks on in terror, waiting for the criminal underworld to start tearing itself, and everything around it, apart. [center] [img] http://pre15.deviantart.net/f34d/th/pre/i/2016/072/2/b/femme_fatale_by_earlinwe-d9uwlxg.png [/img] [/center] The game takes place in a dreary noir setting, incorporating elements of the crime drama and fantasy genres, with the players able to choose from a wide roster of different mythical creatures, or play as a human character. Players may choose to take on the role of any member of society, be it a lowly thug, officer of the law, or a simple shop owner caught up in the struggle of getting by in Santa Somabra. The gang war between the Hanged Men and the Italians is about to kick off, with player characters caught slap bang in the middle. Regardless of the player’s direct involvement, the bloody conflict is sure to touch every single corner of Santa Somabra. The previous two games can be found [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82124-welcome-to-santa-somabra-fantasy-noir/ooc] here [/url], [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89459-amongst-the-lonesome-a-return-to-santa-somabra-fantasy-noir/ooc] and here [/url]. [center] [u][b] [color=000000] Useful bits of information [/color] [/b][/u] [/center] [center][img] http://orig08.deviantart.net/3d59/f/2008/181/4/3/43c0855bb58bfc9661c6ea0a68406968.jpg [/img] [/center] • Magic is a risky and unpredictable business, with most preferring to use physical means to get their dirty work done. However, a few occult groups exist within Santa Sombra, giving sacrifices to otherworldly beings in return for demonic powers, and the occasional down-on-their-luck gambler will pray to some obscure trickster god in an attempt to fix a poker game. The most common use of magic is in distilled manners, such as placing charms on weapons to increase their lethalness, or reinforcing bank vault doors with protective wards. • Large mythical beasts (Dragons, Gryphons, giants etc) tend to stick to more rural areas, and are very rarely found in large urban zones. • Whilst real-life drugs exist in this setting, many fantasy-based illegal substances are prominent in Santa Somabra. Fairy Dust, Demon’s Blood, and Runez are a few examples. • Whilst dabbling with demonic entities has always been a taboo subject, the Nazi’s use of hellish magics in World War II cemented the world’s view of witches and warlocks as being something to be shunned and hunted. [center] [h3][b][i] [color=DarkGray] The Factions [/color][/i][/b][/h3] [/center] [center] [img] http://img01.deviantart.net/c556/i/2010/068/3/f/gangsters_by_grinch7.jpg [/img] [/center] [b]The Rats-[/b] A combination of different street gangs, the Rats have no specialized area, and make their money from selling a wide variety of different guns and narcotics. Notorious for using the vast sewer networks beneath Santa Somabra as a means of moving their goods back and forth, the Rats are only a real threat in the more poverty-stricken parts of the city. [b]The Italians-[/b] A coalition between the Martovanni and Santoni families, the Italians are one of the most fearsome up-and-coming crime syndicates in Santa Somabra. [b] The Hanged Men-[/b] In times gone by the Hanged Men were written off as boogie men, as stories to frighten children, but in recent years these perverse cutthroats have caused far too much bloodshed and chaos to be mere fiction. The Hanged Men are comprised of only the most sick and vicious members of the criminal underworld, and are known for their prominence within the Snuff industry. Rumours suggest that the induction ritual into the Hanged Men involves necrophilia. [b] The Chinatown Tong-[/b] A confederacy of Chinese street gangs, the Chinatown Tong hold complete and utter dominion over Chinatown; having strict say over who comes and goes through their territory. The Tong is fiercely loyalty to its members, whilst holding a deep mistrust of all outsiders. [b]The Hunters-[/b]Seemingly a group of feral homeless people, when the moon is full the Hunters reveal their true, savage nature. The werewolf community of Santa Somabra tend to stick to the outskirts of the city, only traveling inwards to organize their monthly hunting sessions, where they chase their pray throughout the cracks and crevices of Santa Somabra. [b] The Antediluvians-[/b] Called simply “The Jews” by most, the Antediluvians are a powerful rabble of smugglers and gun runners, who came to prominence off of the back of prohibition. The Antediluvians are comprised almost exclusively of humans of Jewish descent, but keep a few orcs and ogres around for extra muscle. [b]The Nyctari family-[/b]An ancient society of vampiric aristocrats, the Nyctari family have existed since the earliest days of humanity. Evolving alongside mankind, the Nyctari have spent an eternity praying on their weaker cousins; using the “inferior” races as thralls to further their malicious goals. In the modern day the Nyctari are a strictly organized crime syndicate, using their dark powers to extend their reach over Santa Somabra. The Nyctari control the red lights district, and the majority of the city’s human (and nonhuman) trafficking operations. [b] The Worker’s Militia[/b]: An extremist terrorist cell, made up of the forsaken and downtrodden, the Worker’s Militia have become infamous for their brutal methods and ruthless tactics. The militia fights for equality amongst the people of Santa Somabra, and has no moral reservations about how it achieves this. [center] [b][u] [color=000000] Drugs and narcotics [/color] [/u][/b] [/center] [center] [img] http://img15.deviantart.net/da5a/i/2005/143/5/0/cocaine_by_dizzyhyperrachy.jpg [/img] [/center] [b]Fairy dust[/b]- A bright yellow/gold powder, fairy dust induces an incredible high, which floods the nervous system with a euphoric flying sensation. Sending the user into a temporary comatose state of unageing, prolonged use of the drug can result in a permanent comma, with the victim entering an endless sleep-state. [b]Runez[/b]-Injected through the neck, Runez grant the user the ability to unstably shift in and of a corporeal form, and to teleport short distances. Whilst incorporeal, the user becomes invulnerable, however there is no way to control or regulated the effects of this strange drug. Runez junkies are characterized by the eerier tattoo-like marks that spread across their skin after prolonged use of the drug, which have a bright blue hue to them. [b]Demon’s Blood[/b]- A thick, dark red liquid, Demon’s blood is ingested by drinking, or being injected straight into the bloodstream for a more potent high. Bolstering the user’s strength, speed, and agility, first time users become practical super soldiers, whilst also experiencing an overwhelming sense of greatness and self-importance. However, over time the prideful sensation is replaced by an intense rage, as users begin to hear the whispers of otherworldly beings in their ears, usually drawing them into a state of extreme paranoia. [center] [u][b] [color=000000] Races [/color] [/b][/u][/center] This is not a definite list of every mythological race that players have the option of portraying, although if you do wish to play a species that isn’t listed then please run it by the GM first. Humans are also a viable option, and make up the majority of the population of Santa Somabra. [hider=Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them] [center] [u] [h3] Creatures of the Mortal Plains [/h3] [/u] [/center] [center] [img] http://img12.deviantart.net/a7d2/i/2014/343/d/8/rapture_by_questavia-d8983s1.jpg [/img] [/center] [b]Gnoll-[/b] These feral vermin move quickly and hit hard, darting through the shadows with savage grace. A sort of missmash of man and hyena, Gnolls are well-known for their ferocious bite, and manic cackling. [b]Werewolves-[/b]Vicious half-man/half-wolf beasts, Werewolves are few in number, but possess immense animalistic speed and strength, making them a force to be reckoned with. Blessed with formidable senses, Werewolves can track their prey with ease, but prefer to stay away from urban neighbourhoods, mostly due to the fact that the huge variety of potent smells and noises overwhelm them, leaving them potentially vulnerable. [b]All[/b] Werewolves, whether they wish to or not, transform into their lycan form on the full moon. If presented with life-threatening danger, most Werewolves will involuntarily shift into their lycan form. Those who have poor self-control may find themselves transforming into their true forms when angered. Despised by almost all of Santa Somabra, the monthly raids that the Hunters lead on the citizens of the city has given them a monstrous reputation, and law enforcement agencies well pay handsomely for known werewolves, alive or dead. Most Werewolves stick to the outskirts of the city, but some of the lone wolves find sanctuary in Little Lupine. [hr] [b]Elves[/b]-Tall and graceful, these humanoids generally resemble –what most would consider to be- extremely attractive humans, but with pointed ears. Possessing a lifespan several times that of a human, the Elves have evolved alongside mankind, with most communities housing a fair balance of Elves and humans. Considered by some to be father-figures to humanity, and by others to be elitist fascists, attitudes towards elves vary depending on the community. The sub-species of Elf are; [b] Ljósálfar- [/b] The great and noble Light Elves. Creatures of beauty and excellence, the Ljósálfar are the undisputed masters of White Magics, and are renown for their warmth and regality. Make no mistake, though, Ljósálfar are just as likely to stab you in the back as any other species. They’re just a lot more spectacular about it. [b] Dökkálfar- [/b] These grey-skinned creatures dwell in caves and tunnels, slinking through vast underground cities as they hone their weapon crafting skills. The Dark Elves inhabit the deepest, darkest holes and burrows of the earth, and rarely mingle with other races, except for in extraordinary circumstances. The Dökkálfar construct vast networks of factories and sweatshops within the bowels of their underground cities, where slaves toil away in an endless production line, creating weapons and armours by the dozen. [b] Wyrmblood- [/b] Born of a union between elf and dragon, Wyrmblood’s are hated and despised by both Light and Dark elves. The Wyrmblooded elves have perhaps the greatest understanding of magic of all elves, and it is that which makes them both feared and reviled. Most Wyrmblood’s have telltale bright red hair, but some have been known to possess sharp draconic claws, and even scales in rare instances. [hr] [b]Orcs[/b]-Brutish, rough-looking, creatures, Orcs have an appearance considered monstrous by most humans. Tall and hunched, with great tusks and sickly green skin, Orcs often find themselves filling the roll of enforcers in the criminal underworld. It has taken society many hundreds of years to allow the Orcs to dwell within their midst, and it will be hundreds more before they become properly accepted. Having become known for being lazy and prone to violence, many Orcs find it difficult to shake the scummy reputation that the worst of their species have given them. [b]Goblins[/b]-Small, gremlin-like creatures, Goblins have huge pointed ears, stubby limbs, and knife-like teeth. Considered to be dishonest and heartless, Goblins are regarded as untrustworthy rodents-like creatures by most of Santa Somabra. [b]Ogres[/b]- Ginormous beasts of monstrous proportions, these creatures tower above the other races. Ogres love two things; Fighting and Eating, and tend to be immensely strong and fat. Most Ogres are extremely dim-witted, although there are some intelligent Ogres. A few Ogres have been known to have multiple heads, each one possessing its own personality. Generally considered little better than mongrels, Ogres are accepted as a necessity in terms of security work, but are rarely welcomed into non-Ogre communities, with a few exceptions. [center] [u] [h3] Creatures of Tartarus- The Plain Of Shadows [/h3] [/u] [/center] [center] [img] http://pre12.deviantart.net/7bf3/th/pre/f/2014/342/3/8/underworld_by_jbrown67-d894efp.jpg [/img] [/center] The cold and desolate dimension which scrapes away at the edges of creation, Tartarus is the home of black magics, and the malevolent beasts which are born of the shadowy union between flesh and darkness. [b]Vampires-[/b] Dwellers of the night who feed on the blood of the races they deem beneath them, Vampires possess superhuman strength, keen regenerative abilities, and the ability to travel at speeds unachievable by humans. Permanently frozen at the state their body was in when they became a vampire, these nocturnal creatures are seemingly impervious to ageing, or dying of age-related ailments. Elders of vampiric society have lived long enough to develop potent blood magic, being able to imprint their will upon those susceptible to suggestion; gathering their own harems of thralls who are fiercely loyal to their dark masters. Whilst not, as the stories would have you believe, vulnerable to garlic or running water, the sun’s rays are lethal to all vampires –forcing them to operate exclusively during the night-. It is rumoured that those of exceptional faith can ward off these blood-suckers with icons of their respective gods, but this is most likely just hearsay. Technically considered a disease, official law enforcement guidelines state that Vampires should be hunted with extreme prejudice. Despite their enhanced capabilities, most smart Vampires tend to keep their dark secret guarded, for fear of attracting unwanted attention. Despite this, the Nyte Kyngs openly flaunt their vampirism. [b] Wendigo- [/b] The twisted union of man and beast, Wendigo’s are the monstrous children of savagery and barbarism. Like all creatures of Tartarus, they are associated with blood-drinking and cannibalism. [b] Fear Gorta- [/b] The phantoms of hunger and famine, Fear Gorta are the harbingers of blight and destruction. The Fear Gorta disease is one which can infect all known species, and riddle a bloodline with feral, flesh-eating offspring. [b]Undead-[/b] Reanimated by the most shunned form of magic, Necromancy, the undead are rotting husks of their former selves, forced to shamble through their miserable un-lives. Whilst mindless undead do exist, players will take control of sentient undead, who’ve managed to obtain their free will, or were raised as being free willed to begin with. The lowest of the low, Undead are almost universally rejected by all but the most benevolent of society. [center] [u] [h3] Creatures of the Fae- The Plain Of Souls [/h3] [/u] [/center] [center] [img] http://orig08.deviantart.net/4e1f/f/2011/097/d/f/the_forest_shrine_by_jerry8448-d3da1uw.jpg [/img] [/center] The Fae is a dimension of ethereal forests and luscious fields of pure magic. These creatures use neither black nor white magic, and instead dabble in a school of magic completely unique to them, known as “Fay Magic”. [b] Faerie- [/b] The sovereign lords of the Fae, Faeries are malevolent tricksters and magic users. They have been known to kidnap the children of other species, and morph them into brainwashed hobb servants. Faeries have large golden eyes, and can conjure ethereal wings into existence at their bidding. [b] Hobb- [/b] Dull, lumbering beasts devoid of independent thought, Hobbs are wrought from the flesh and spirits of other creatures, and are sewn together to form the fanatically loyal minions of their Faerie overlords. [b] Skelkalee-[/b] Also known as “Lizardmen”, the Skelkalee are bipedal reptilians, with scaly bodies and a strong sense of racial identity. Few Faeries trust each other, and rightly so, which has resulted in the lords of the Fae often hiring Skelkalee to serve as guardsmen or assassins, due to their inherent morals and devotion to those who they believe to show strength. [b] Brownie- [/b] Small, mischievous sprites, Brownies resemble small children, but covered in moss and fur. They are notoriously boisterous and perverse, delighting in obscene revelry. [center] [u] [h3] Creatures of Zhuthunih- The Searing Nether [/h3] [/u] [/center] [center] [img] http://orig01.deviantart.net/316c/f/2007/159/c/9/hell_by_pitagoras_dlrkn.jpg [/img] [/center] [b] Demon- [/b] The children of sin and hellfire, demon’s know no language other than depravity. They are beasts of the bloodiest nature, who feed off of the folly and misdeeds of mortal men. [b] Fiendling/Nether-Brood-[/b] Fiendlings are mortals who have consumed the blood of demons, or spent an elongated period in the vicinity of demonic taint. They resemble a sickly mishmash of demonic corruption and their original species, usually boasting cloven hooves or ram-like horns. The Fiendling is the halfway point between man and monster, and constantly battles with the dark voices that plague their psyche. [/hider] [hider=The Districts of Santa Somabra] [center] [img] http://www.theowlbar.com/wp-content/uploads/EasyRotatorStorage/user-content/erc_51_1391450203/content/assets/OwlBar1-0.jpg [/img] [/center] -[b]Dawn Peak Heights[/b]-Wealthiest district in the city, full of fancy apartments and up-market shopping centers. -[b]Palassa's Song[/b]-Second wealthiest district in the city, primarily light and dark elves live here though wealthier members of the lesser races also call this district home -[b]Tranquil Valley[/b]-Another wealthy district with a more diverse demographic, many poorer folks dream about owning a home in Tranquil Valley -[b]Old Gate[/b]-Known as “Little Lupine” by those in the know, Old Gate is a seemingly inconspicuous neighbourhood, which serves as a meeting place for city-dwelling Werewolves who don’t associate with the Hunters. -[b]Chinatown[/b]-Pretty self-explanatory, used by multiple criminal groups to move huge quantities of drugs -[b]The Narrows[/b]-The dirtiest, nastiest slums in the entire city, some vagrants refer to it as "crime school" and most sane people avoid this area like the plague. The Most infamous and scummy section of the Narrow is "Drabstreet". -[b]The Red Light District[/b]-Sex, drugs, and more Sex. The Nyctari have various strongholds dotted about this district, which is practically drowning in whores and dust dens; catering to all kinds of exotic fetishes. -[b]Los Tres Muertos[/b]-Where the dead live, also the best ice cream in all of Santa Somabra can be found here -[b]Wyvern Rock[/b]-Mainly home to orcs and goblins -[b]Miracle Square[/b]-A posh community where the mystically gifted ply their trade -[b]Deadlight Hills[/b]-A middle-class district where the living and the undead can be found together -[b]The Silver Expanse[/b]-A prosperous and beautiful district; the Silver Expanse caters to the wealthiest and most prosperous members of society. [b]-Silver Hills[/b]: Gated community in which only residents may enter and to be one, the community council must veto you. Zero crime rate and all in all, the most 'Pure and Good' untouched by evil place in the city. In appearance, at least. [/hider] [center] [u][b] [color=000000] Character Sheet [/color] [/b][/u] [/center] To begin with, each player may submit one character sheet. Once they have ‘proven’ themselves (by engaging in roleplay, being active OOCly etc) they may apply for a second character. You may play up to three characters. [b]Name/Nicknames: [/b] [b]Race:[/b] (The species of the character you wish to play) [b] Age: [/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Short, physical description of your character/picture/both) [b]Personality:[/b] (A couple of paragraphs to describe how your character behaves, and what drives them) [b]Bio:[/b] (A brief synopsis of what got your character to this point, and where they fit in to Santa Somabra) [b]Other:[/b] (Any other notes, pieces of information, etc that you wish to include) [center] [img] http://assets.blog.hemmings.com/wp-content/uploads//2013/12/LAatnight1950s_01_1600.jpg [/img] [/center]