"Hmm?" Naream said, somewhat distracted as he looked up from his tome, somewhat annoyed at the interruption, raising his eyebrows when he looked past the others up ahead at the door and what lay beyond, so they had it opened? Good for them. He stood up and walked forwards, missing whatever the Dwarves were saying, neither did he notice anything out of the ordinary so he looked at the others somewhat oddly as they spoke but decided not to show it, merely nodding along and looking neutral. When the human ranger mentioned the bit about the warning of Sarah Darkhammer he resisted the urge to chuckle at Andrea's expense, mostly because laughing at a Drow female usually meant a swift end of one's life, granted they were both Queens Blades but he felt that she was more Drow than a Queensblade, he didn't question that, he had his own goals and reasons to act like a happy Queens Blade, several others in the same service were similar he suspected. "We can't kill the stunty folk, correct? Well we can but it isn't preferred, such a shame, their bones are quite strong, they would make excellent wights, bit short perhaps but still quite deadly." He pondered for a moment and then saw the range aim a arrow, figuring they would attack, since the whole seducing attempt, while amusing to imagine the effectiveness of that against mind controlled targets, was probably doomed to fail... and maybe have her end up being slashed to bits by the axes of those Dwarves, he opened his tome and opened his mouth. [B]"Miulk'ars Usstan lar pholor dos, doer fotus!"[/B] He shouted and a aura of gree energies outlined his form and tome and four orbs flew forth from the magical volume in his hands, landing upon the bridge, materializing into four skeletal [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/313/8/6/wight_warrior_stage_3__common__by_mictones-d5kfulm.jpg]wights[/url], Naream staggered but shook his head. "Kev dosst saroless." He said and in response the wights let go of their weapons, falling on top of the bridge or in the pit below. "Ply'uss l'Harglukkin, dro." After that command the wights started to march forwards, their glowing eyes on the Dwarves in front of them. "My wights... will try and subdue them... relatively unharmed." He said through gritted teeth as he wept the sweat from his brow, it had been a long time since he had called upon any magic. He took a few steps just in case however, not reason for him to be on the front lines, turning around so he could keep both a eye on the bridge and towards the way back, never let your way of retreat be unguarded after all, wouldn't want anything to sneak up behind them while they were distracted by the Dwarves.