[center] [h1] [color=000000] Nyxvira[/color] [color=red]Bloodbloom [/color][/h1] [/center] [center] [color=DarkGray] [b]Name/Nicknames:[/b] Nyxvira Bloodbloom (Nyxie) [b]Race:[/b] Faerie [b]Age: [/b] 54 [b]Appearance:[/b] Nyxie is a big girl, with a large frame and a form that’s soft to the touch. Her face is round, with chubby cheeks and the beginnings of a double-chin.Her red hair glimmers with a fiery hue, like crackling flames, and she has a notably pale skin pigment. Nyxvira has the tell-tale eyes of a faerie, with huge golden irises, that shimmer in a manner that hints at her magical heritage. [center] [img] https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13335513_1088882184515846_8253753275049795226_n.jpg?oh=850aa8da2d3da0ea8914a09d3fc7c532&oe=57C20942 [/img] [/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Nyxvira takes an abnormal approach to life, being somewhat of an emotionally repressed individual. Her dry wit and sadistic sense of humour often create social boundaries, and she has very few strong emotional relationships to speak of. She possesses a hyper and overactive mental state, but cares little for matters which don’t interest her, and is poor at pretending otherwise. She struggled with her self-image growing up, but the narcissistic, self-worshiping figure she has become bares little to no resemblance to the once immensely self-conscious little girl she was before. Her steely confidence and fiery charisma give the young Faerie an element of charm, which (when coupled with her quick wit) draws others to her. Her appetites for binge eating and sexual encounters are both self-destructive, but these are crippling grey areas to her, above and beyond her wiser judgment and the scrutiny she holds the rest of her actions up to. Her rapid and uncontrolled mood swings hint at an element of instability, which are accompanied by long bouts of depressive emptiness. To keep herself from becoming too down, Nyxvira makes sure the she is constantly occupied, and (when all else fails her) she always has food to turn to. The Faerie’s fluctuating temper is legendary, and perhaps the most obvious display of her furious mood swings. Small changes to her day, or countless other minor inconveniences, can send Nyxvira into a chronic black mood, making her lash out at those around her. [b]Bio: [/b] Growing up in Surrey, England, Nyxvira’s childhood was one of seclusion; nestled away within confines of her Ancestral Grove. As the most magically gifted of all her siblings, Nyxvira was set to become Matriarch of House Bloodbloom, should she play her cards right. When the time came to integrate into human society, Nyxie took a bit too much of a fondness to mankind, becoming enthralled with their customs and cultures, to the point where she began to repulse her fellow Faeries. When word got out that Nyxie had been performing twisted alchemical experiments on the children at her school, the House of Bloodbloom was all the more happy to be rid of her; banishing her and revoking her claim. Political tensions between humans and the Fae were at an all time high, so Nyxie managed to avoid being hung due to a “lack of sufficient evidence”. In the days gone by Nyxvira has spent some time trekking from place to place, until she eventually made her way to Santa Somabra. Who knows what the young Faerie might get up to in this city of sin? [b]Other:[/b] Faeries are universally feared and mistrusted for their wicked ways, but also held up as diety-like beings by some, more superstitious cultures, which is something Nyxvira uses to her utmost advantage. [/color] [/center]