[center][img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/varamen_zpse12e5eh6.jpg[/img] [h3][color=F92F6B][i]"...let me seduce you, let me play in your head..."[/i][/color][/h3][/center] [color=F92F6B][b]Name/Nicknames:[/b][/color] Varaceli 'Vara' Rosa Mendoza [i](Actual: Varaxes)[/i] [color=F92F6B][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [i](Actual: Dragon)[/i] [color=F92F6B][b]Age:[/b][/color] 23 [i](Actual: Still working this out.)[/i] [color=F92F6B][b]Personality:[/b][/color] An independent minded girl; determined and free spirited, that appears to be living the ultimate "fuck you" to the Mexican Catholic environment that produced her on the border towns and American fruit farms in which she was raised. Drawn to Santa Somabra by the confluence of Kerouac, greaser culture, and the glamour of showbiz. Sweet and selfless to those in need, fearless and vicious to those who would victimize the defenseless--or those she treasures. All of it under a charming, pretty, surface that belies the ancient, mythical, creature hiding impossibly far under that surface. Infinitely curious, a hoarder of secrets, and adores games of nearly any kind; she can often be found playing chess with the disabled Vets at the various veterans centers all around town. Likes to poke her nose in where it doesn't belong, damn the consequences. In a reverse, the whore chooses the clients--not the clients choose the whore. [color=F92F6B][b]Bio:[/b][/color] There are times, even often times, that the great beast gets lost in the facade. Unbridled power lost in the flames of history, allowing even the biggest bird in the sky to get caught up in the dreams of sparrows. It started in what seems like a close yesterday to Varaxes; a crime of desperation and impulse perpetrated by one ancient magical beast to another. It wasn't a close yesterday, it goes back further than that, into pre-history where history and legend interwine like lovers. While her self exile has long since outlived her crime, the myth of the great dragon hiding in the lives of the most insignificant took on a life of it's own--and became an addiction. Varaxes has been undercover so long, she's lost track of which direction is up. This quirk of fate and personality manifests itself in a creature that's so buried under the layers of the life of a young Mexican American girl, the vast majority of the time it's as if the beast never existed, only the girl. Not the bright burn of magic, not the dark arts of torture, could force the truth to the surface at this point. She's as lost as those trying to find her, and at this point, doubtlessly more so. Shaken out of her dreaming by the recent world shaking detonations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, finally half aware of what she really is for the first time in milennia. No one can point to exactly when Vara Mendoza showed up in Santa Somabra. Her presence started out as gossip between women of the night and the men that indulge in them--noise that only got louder, and louder, the more she appeared from soup kitchens to the Mexican dance halls to veteran centers to gilded night clubs where only the wealthiest and most powerful frolic. By the time it was clear she was a simple whore with an alarmingly unsimple clientel, and a show stopping beauty, she'd become a vexing mystery to the creatures of the night that control the market. A mystery that has since turned into a full fledged problem: When the vampires finally tracked her down to demand tribute and subservience, she was already out of their reach, armored from them by the secrets she gathers from every imaginable source and sect of society. Protected by the leather bound and lupine Wild Hunt, by the law and their political masters, in exchange for a taste of her secrets...and sometimes for a taste of her trade. The short game of Vara appears relatively elementary; a free spirit trying to spread love and comfort to those in need of it, and keep the defenseless from being used and abused. The scattershot of her actions, coupled with the apparent simplicity of her motivations, would lead one to assume there is no long game at play here. An assumption that couldn't be further from the truth. All Vara cares for is the long game of Santa Somabra, for it's growth and the evolution of this region of the world she's come to call home...a region that has precious few of those mythic beasts like her secret self that she hides from. A region so untouched and underdeveloped, it even sparks dreams in the girl of one day revealing her ancient self for all of Santa Somabra and the surrounding country to be inspired by so that a brighter future could be possible for all. [color=F92F6B][b]Other:[/b][/color] I'd like to avoid Vara going "nuclear"--that is, ever going full dragon. Where would the fun in that be?