[quote=@Flagg] didnt think about that. Is it established somewhere that the MRB is distinct from the FBI? Otherwise, I'll just have him be part of the FBI, Magical Regulation Division. That work? [/quote] The MRB is distinct from the FBI, but if Whyte's investigating non-magic realted crimes he can just be regular FBI. If its of a magical nature then he'd need to be MRB. [quote=@Palamon] Gonna submit a CS later tonight for your approval hopefully. Really awesome stuff. [/quote] I look forwards to seeing it! [quote=@Ruby] Posted her. Bon appétit. [/quote] The fiery dragon lady is accepted. [quote=@HeySeuss] So in the 1950's, LA was trying to keep Italian gangsters out. Is there a similar situation where the SSPD is being particularly aggressive toward specific groups of criminals? [/quote] The Italians are already pretty deeply routed in the city, so the SSPD aren't any more aggresive to them than they are other gangs. They're least aggresive to the Nyctari, mostly due to the connections that the vampire famalies have.