[quote=@Keksalot] By the way, is it possible for a singular vampire to be accepted as a honorary citizen and member of the civilized society due to his complete cooperation with the city's institutions which he may or may not almost completely own and his humane and benevolent nature? "No sir, not a single drop, never for the last 136 years! A very rare, properly prepared steak - yes. A whole cow, and a [i]completely legally acquired one[/i], mind you, if it was a particularily taxing night - yes. But long gone are the days of silently visiting scantily clad maidens in their towers and castles, long gone." Hypothetically. [/quote] Nah, not really. The hatred of Vampirism is grounded in fear of the unknown, and that tends to cloud folks better judgement. Any prominent vampires have the good sense to hide their curse/gift