[quote=@Keksalot] Oh, speaking of bloodsuckers! Can a vampire of Kreslav's age, ability, influence and caliber be accepted and respected, his opinions on various matters considered and taken into account by the vampiric community of the city despite him probably not being a born member of the Nyctari family that probably holds most of the town? He does, after all, probably live in here for quite a bit of time, uphold the rules of hospitality, viciously defends his territory and domains and is at least partially in on some of the criminal dealings. Or does Nyctari technically comprise all of vampires in the world? [/quote] Not all vampires are Nyctari, so he could still have a large amount of sway in the Vampire Community. He couldn't speak out against the Nyctari and win, or try to influence the Nyctari, but some people would still find his arguments worth listening to. [quote=@Atrophy] [@Kingfisher][@Flagg] Thanks duders. I'm a bit overbooked on games right now, but one of them might be waining. I'll keep this in my subs just so I can stalk you kids anyway. [/quote] But baby, they don't love you like we do. [@Palamon] Looks good, so far!