[quote=BBeast] Ahem. [/quote] Oh my bad, yo. •Cores are like gems, made out of a unique substance that houses a spiritual energy inside (this will be explained IC). This spiritual energy is what makes the core what it is - fire, lightning, etc. Without that energy, a core just looks like a clear, crystal sphere or the sort. Core slots are made out of a unique metal that can react with the physical crystallized material the core is made of, and as a result of the reaction, let the energy lose. So it isn't electrical, heat powered, etc. It's a chemical reaction between the metal and gem that lets the core's hidden energy loose. I won't go in depth as our Channeler (GrandDM) will be the character we learn about them from. I'll PM him info. •Cores are like disposable batteries 99% of the time. As the inner energy is used, the core obviously has less and less energy within it, eventually "burning out". The 1% is for people like channelers who can fuse and preserve certain cores. •Core technologies are everywhere, but are a bit costly. I mean only low class and some low-middle class people live without powering up their life with cores. Fire cores can heat up a fire place better than coal (which exists), lightning cores can power a generator better than a motor (which exists), water cores can be used to efficiently water crops instead of waiting for the rain or wasting time getting freshwater from rivers (which exist). See what I mean? We have basic earth technology, but ALSO cores to make it better. However, most, if not all firearms have cores, which make them much more expensive than regular Earth rifles. Swords are about half and half. Also so far, I'm strictly speaking of elemental cores. Cores like kinetic cores are WAYYYY more expensive than elementals. A kinetic core the size of an egg would probably cost $1000 dollars on Earth and could fuel a single armor's shields for about a month, maybe less. So you see, it also varies core to core. If you ever have a specific core tech you want me to I've you the costs/feasibility of, let me know. (And yes, lots of house hold appliances use them. Light cores are better than filament light bulbs, for example)