[hider=Hannah Alisdale]

[color=f6989d][h2]Hannah Alisdale[/h2][/color]


5'5", presently gaunt, with skin often sallow from poor health.

Shy and reserved, Hannah observes. Wide, pale eyes miss little, though sometimes most mistake her for staring vacantly. She doesn't partake in many conversations, though the occasional twitch at the corner of her mouth might suggest a reaction. Though she always desires to lend a helping hand, she fears placing herself in such a spotlight. Instead, her sense of philanthropy is appeased by more anonymous methods when she can achieve them. Despite her mild-mannered ways, Hannah doesn't really have a moral code. She isn't malicious, but lying to spare herself trouble is instinctive, and she will steal if she feels it's beneficial without being harmless - like extra muffins, or a nurse's book. 

Though the drugs dampen her abilities considerably, Hannah still exudes a weak aura of strangeness - it drives most away from her without them realizing it. Her pale features and quiet behaviors make her seem like an apparition at times, which leads to her seeming odd, eerie, creepy - whatever, she's been called it. The staff members can sometimes be rough with her, since skin-on-skin contact makes them unaccountably uneasy, leading to a rough relationship for all.

For the most part, Hannah gets by. She occasionally causes mischief, though other patients usually take the blame because she's simply not top of the list for troublemakers.

[color=f6989d][h3]Psychiatric conditions[/h3][/color]
Panic attacks

[color=f6989d][h3]Actual Gifts[/h3][/color]
1. [color=f6989d]Preternaturally enhanced senses[/color]
[b]Strengths[/b]: Has a significant range that has yet to be measured, but fluctuates from 20-50 meters. 
[b]Weaknesses[/b]: Poor control, can't "scale" it up or down easily, so can be startled and distracted by loud noises, bright lights, intense odors. 

2. [color=f6989d]Fear inducement[/color]
[b]Strengths[/b]: Cripples most anyone with debilitating fear within a 3 foot radius, most effective with contact. 
[b]Weaknesses[/b]: Can be overcome by those with feral mind or similar alien mental states, can't be suppressed easily and affects any and all relationships because she simply disturbs people without them understanding why - only knowing they'd rather not spend time with her. 

They never liked her. It wasn't that they bullied her, it was that they simply avoided her. Even her parents seemed to dislike their own child, though they were too horrified by such thoughts to ever speak them aloud. Loneliness and feeling ostracized led to a depression that couldn't be shaken, but life was tolerable until the second ability manifested. Hannah stopped leaving her dark bedroom, wept from fear and pain when her parents yelled at her in strangely deafening tones and turned her bedroom light on - a light that was replaced repeatedly due to her breaking them. Her skin became painful, causing her to cringe if someone grabbed her too firmly. Her parents embarrassing fear of their own child only made their reactions worse, leading to the day they admitted her. Since then and mostly due to a host of medications, she's been mostly happy - tired, forgetful, sometimes confused, but much improved. 

Crush: [color=f6989d]OPEN[/color]
Other: Can play a mean game of poker for your blankets. 
Roommate?: [color=f6989d]OPEN[/color]

Played by: Queen of Arda