Name: Isadora Fey Nickname: Isa Age: 19 Looks: Isadora is a thin and petite albino girl, she has bright crimson eyes and long, white silver hair that reaches her waist. She has a thin face with defined cheekbones and noticeable dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. She is very sickly looking to the point she almost looks breakable, when she wears all white, many people comment how ghostly she looks. At the moment she is about 5 months pregnant. [img][/img] Personality: Isadora is very shy and gentle, very frightened around people she doesn't know very well and is naive to the point where she could easily be taken advantage of. She is usually always polite and it is extremely hard to make her angry, however she can let emotions get the best of her, especially when it deals with someone close to her (usually animals). She is a very emotional, sensitive person and is known to cry easily. While she is weak physically, her spirit is strong and her will nearly unbreakable. “Psychiatric” condition: Anorexia Nervosa, Depression with Insomnia Actual 'Gifts': Has the ability to speak with animals via a psychic link and can manipulate her pheromones. However if she synchronates completely with an animal's mind, she can lose herself and become feral, attacking anyone or anything in her path. The animal that she has synched with also exhibits the same behavior. She also doesn't realize how strong her pheromones are while she's pregnant and is able to even control men with them, causing them to become protective of her and in severe cases mindless puppets, however once she gives birth the peek of power fades and she loses this ability. History: Isadora was raised by a friend of the family and he would abuse her in anyway imaginable, however she believed he did this because he loved her and would do her best to please him. A month passed and she noticed that she couldn't eat much without getting sick and started to slowly starve herself which eventually took a horrible turn to make herself feel more beautiful than she felt. She slowly started to stop sleeping normally and would have dreams about talking with the dogs her guardian owned. They would tell her to kill her guardian so she and they could be free. This along with the anorexia and abuse, made her paranoid and she began sleeping even less and the dreams became even more real. She eventually noticed herself gaining weight that she couldn't get rid of and her guardian released that she was pregnant, in hopes of keeping this a secret, he tried to get her to miscarry, however she blacked out and when she came to... Found him dead, bitten by the dogs and by her. She was blamed for his murder, the dogs put down, and sent to a local asylum to help her "tortured soul." Crush: N/A at the moment Roommate: N/A at the moment Played by: Shadow007