CS Name: John James Age: 26 Race: Human Bio: John has lost everybody he knows to the Seekers. He's the last of his family to be on the run, and met up with a small group of humans. They're just trying to live their lives as much as they can, without getting caught [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSchC881F3cMpweF1Z01yjfY1O-yv1NTlWg0EirdrDqzc4V7XyHRg[/img] CS Name: Seeker Age: 30 Soul over 300 Race: Soul Bio: One of the first souls to occupy a human body. Seeker wants to find all the humans and give Earth to all the Souls, without worrying of any resistance. [img]http://images.forbes.com/media/2010/12/16/1216_leonardo-dicaprio-high-earning_485x340.jpg[/img] (Sorry these are totally crappy! Let me off! We can start nows / real sooooon yay!)