The creature just wanted to help T'charrl relax, it could sense he was in distress. When it had approached the other person he'd relaxed quickly enough and even seemed happy now so why was this one so nervous? They had been contacting spirits earlier even so it shouldn't be that, was it scary looking? Very confusing. Hoping to relay something to the being it settled down beside T'charrl and let its energy flow freely, creating a vibrant patch around them before yipping proudly and waiting to see T'charrl's reaction. Even if their goals were aligned and they both wanted to revitalize the forest it didn't appear like its sprouting plants did anything to help T'charrl relax, how sad. "Help! Help!" the creature said telepathically, finally managing to pick up on some scraps of the language being used around it. Yipping happily it wiggled its rear before nudging T'charrl's leg with its snout, springing up on its feet before padding over to a nearby dirt patch. "Heal! Heal! Follow!" ----- Hells, what power Kiton had. He couldn't say he'd ever battled anyone quite like this before, throwing massive chunks of the ground around like that. The Frost Demon said he could have killed him any moment and he'd believe it. York expected more attacks after the ground at his feet was blasted away yet it appeared as though the battle was done. Despite what he had done, supposedly killing dozens, he was being spared. Quite a bit of damage was done to the town and he was rather beaten, but by all standards Kiton had performed as one might hope one of theirs would. Coughing out some dirt and spitting to the side York trudged after Kiton, frowning seeing as he was starting to fly away. "Kiton, wait! Get back here!" he called, annoyed with himself that he hadn't the Ki left to take flight and go after him. "You don't understand, come back!" Well so much for this, though it seemed like Kiton had somehow managed to pass. Ricken was going to go out and fetch their newest recruit when Sasha opted to instead, and probably for good reason given her brother's penchant for stirring trouble. Racing out towards the site of the battle she passed right on by York who was being seen to by some medics, with Sasha flying up to where Kiton was. Getting ahead of him she stopped in mid air, an apologetic smile on her face as she placed herself in his path. "Kiton... I know you're probably confused right now and you might even feel betrayed, but I just want you to understand something, before you say anything. This was a test and you passed, with flying colors." Well, maybe there was a little more destruction than they would typically have liked. Aside from the building they had blown up a few suffered some minor damage from earth being tossed about, yet overall it had gone smoothly. Approaching Kiton, Sasha reached into the back of her suits and pulled an injector from her belt, holding it out for Kiton to take. "It's some of the serum from healing tanks, its been changed a bit. We can use these in the field to help heal ourselves, and I brought it for you, just in case," Sasha continued, getting right up to him and reaching out, taking his hand and placing the injector in it, "We're sorry for deceiving you, but like I said... Every one is tested. We would never make you really fight people you may have once fought alongside, we're not that heartless." Another power came surging towards Kiton and Sasha, one that the former was probably dreading to feel. A figure far larger than Sasha's sprung up behind him and two massive, trunk-like arms embraced the Frost Demon in a hug. "Kiton, I am so very pleased that you've passed your test! It fills me with unimaginable joy!" Leto shouted, tears streaming down his face as he tightened his hold, "I feared the worst for a moment there, but I am happy my fears were unfounded! Oh joyous day indeed!" ----- Aito put his hands up defensively after making the tease, relieved to see Viral wasn't [i]that[/i] exhausted. Tease as he might he'd never tell anyone else, it wasn't his place to share. They should get him outside to get some sun and start healing, albeit even with the sun it would doubtless take most of the day for Viral to feel right again. At the very least there was nothing prompting them to leave any time soon, he would have all the time he needed to rest. After tasking Vegeta with fetching a new set of clothes for Viral the doctor returned to the kitchen, giving Viral a once over just to double check for any injuries he may have missed. "Well once you learn how to control that form it shouldn't activate so suddenly, and we can work on that later. I don't imagine you're feeling terribly up to training at the moment," Aito pointed out, smiling slightly as Vegeta then returned with a stack of clothes. Thanking him he gestured for his son to be on his way, placing a hand then on Viral's back to guide him towards an adjacent room. Once Viral was dressed again Aito helped him outside, leading him over towards one of the chairs as opposed to the cot. "Anything we can get you for now?"