Asu you have no idea how many pages of reptile fetish bullshit I had to go through to find a decent, not so painful picture. You owe me for this one. [b]Name:[/b] Jabiko Quain [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Outfit and Rank:[/b] He's his military's equivalent to a private first class. He doesn't have much influence or inside knowledge. [b]Personality:[/b] Still young and living on wishful thinking. Jabiko believes his people and the humans can still make peace, even after mankind being ripped a new one. He's brave in that he's willing to risk everything on these believe, but this also makes him not too bright. Still, he's a good kid and he means well. [b]Other:[/b] He's a Kora'ai. Like, a real one. [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall, lean, grey scaled dragon guy. He has wings, btdubs. [img][/img] [b]History:[/b] Jabby landed on Earth with the first on the his troops, having just joined the military. His people felt the tension in the air between them and the humans; most were afraid to leave the ships. Then, when bombs finally fell, all hell broke lose. Jabiko fought valiantly, managing to raise a couple ranks before current time. However, he never really felt as though he was doing the right thing. This WAS the humans' planet after all; they had a right to try and defend it. Jabiko, at a loss of common sense, allowed himself to be captured by human soldiers so that he may get a chance to speak with them. 'Speak' is used loosely. Although he learned English, Jabiko's speech sounds like he gargled with gravel and Captain Crunch. Somehow, he managed to get his message across: he wanted to help. Jabiko was let in on the project, with the understanding that if he double crossed the humans, he would be shown little mercy. He let them take blood, use him as a model, and whatever else they needed to perfect the Drakes. He helped them learn the language, culture, and whatever else they may need to fit in on the ships, and when all was said and done, he volunteered to take them aboard. Being the low ranking solider that he is, Jabiko has little more access to his superior's secrets than any of the humans. However, as a team, it's possible they may not fail miserably.