Here is a listing from when I tried to start this the last time. I'll probably keep all of these but there's an exepectation [hider=Gadgets and Enhancements] [color=aquamarine][u]Gadgets and Enhancements [/u][/color] [indent][hider=Phenix Wrist Watch] [center][img][/img][/center] Brought to you by the Phenix Mega Corporation, the Phenix Wrist Watch is an innovative leader among day-to-day technology. Housing everything a citizen could possibly need, including a Phenix Database Download Center for those extra programs that don't come standard. Using the Phenix Wireless Towers, it's possible to communicate and video link with anyone station wide. Additionally it is the leader in GPS technology, rendering a real time 3 dimensional map to navigate you anywhere you could need to go; including the shortest routes based on your access level, what areas are locked down by Enforcer's, and a danger overlay based on constantly updated crime reports. Plan and manage your life with the Phenix Wirst Watch. [indent]The military version comes with added security options with the benefit of total camouflage among the normal population should the need arise. With functionalities like wireless shutting down sections, or with the right privileges, entire sectors, the Military Grade Wirst Watch is a must for Enforcer's and above. Other functions include real time face scanning, bio-signature thermal tracking, and an array of additional programs available from the Phenix Secure Database Download Center.[/indent] [/hider][hider=Hermes Rail Riders] [center][img][/img][/center] Hermes Inc. make their rise focusing on transportation, from mag-cars to everyday boots. The Hermes Rail Riders are top of the line and are essential for the working class runners. Upon activation a gradual lift off pulls the user up onto the mag pylon rails and allows them to travel up to forty miles per hour. These boots do support use upon the larger train rails, so watch for trains and traffic. You've been warned, and remember to lean into the wind runners! [/hider][hider=Exo Bionic Replacement v1.0] [center][img][/img][/center] Prosthetic have come a long way, and with some of the more dangerous jobs out there there is a pretty solid market for them. The Bionic Replacement 1.0 series are more affordable alternatives to living with amputation, or perhaps a failing organ. They're a little jerky, and won't fool anybody, but it works. The Exo Corp. can replace anything your body is missing, provided you don't mind a few errors here and there and maybe the need to realign the matrix system. [/hider][hider=Exo Bionic Replacement v2.0] [center][img][/img][/center] Much like it's earlier cousin, the Bionic Replacement 2.0 has the same functionalities but is much higher in cost. Aesthetically, you wouldn't even know your respective limb or organ was gone, and functionality is near as perfect as it can get with only the need for slight tuning every so often, due to the intricacies of nerves and all that. These replacements also come with silicon flesh coverings, using 27 algorithms to match the user's natural color, and have a real, flesh like quality. It can even hold ink for those with more artistic tastes. For the working man, small gadgets can be laced in the fingers or the arm: Some models include an array of small tools in the fingers, and one with a fold out baton for law enforcement officials. [/hider][/indent][/hider] Ballistic weapons are obsolete. Bolter weapons are the new rage and use core crystals to fire hardened plasma shots. These disintegrate after impact, leaving no metal in the victim, but have all the ability to punch a hole in somebody like a bullet. Lasers also exist, as utility too (ie: laser pen). Plasma has replaced old-age flame weapons. Plasma fire sticks to its target. [hider=Some Weaponry] [u][color=limegreen]Basic Weaponry [/color][/u] [indent][hider=CS Mark IV] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Civilian [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 10 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] Low [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Bolt [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Semi-Auto, Full-Auto [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Fast [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][hider=XIII Vigilante] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Civilian [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 5 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] Medium [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] High Spread Burst [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Pump-Action [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Slow [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][hider=Peace Master XL] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Civilian [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 6 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] High [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Bolt [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Thumb-Hammer [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Slow [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][/indent] [u][color=limegreen]Assault Weaponry [/color][/u] [indent][hider=HSF Cobra] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 12 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] Medium [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Bolt, Stun Bolt [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Semi-Auto [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Fast [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][hider=ASX Ionizer] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 8 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] High [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Low Spread Burst, Single Slug [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Pump-Action [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Slow [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][hider=Mark IV Defender] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 40 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] Low [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Bolt [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Semi-Auto, Full-Auto [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Very Fast [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][/indent] [u][color=limegreen]Heavy Weaponry [/color][/u] [indent][hider=H08 Autocannon] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 150 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] Medium [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Bolt [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Full-Auto [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Very Fast [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][hider=A7X Annihilator] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 400 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] High [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Bolt [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Full-Auto [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Extremely Fast [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][hider=HSF Sunderer] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 4 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] Extremely High [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Volatile Bolt-Missle [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Single [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Very Slow [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][/indent] [u][color=limegreen]Advanced Weaponry [/color][/u] [indent][hider=U1 Longbow] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 10 [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] Very High [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Bolt [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Semi-Auto [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Slow [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][hider=MXI Resonance 2.0] [img][/img] [color=limegreen]Class:[/color] Military [color=limegreen]Rounds:[/color] 25 Gallons, 50 seconds. [color=limegreen]Impact:[/color] None [color=limegreen]Shot:[/color] Plasmatic-Flame [color=limegreen]Mode:[/color] Spray [color=limegreen]R.O.F:[/color] Fast [color=limegreen]Crystal:[/color] [color=red]Red[/color] [/hider][/indent][/hider] The "roads" on the map you see are Industrial Mag-rails, which is basically a system of pylons that basically create a magnetic light bridge. The big Mag-rails are called Highways, just like a road would be, there are no government maintained ground rounds between sectors. Though ground level roads do exist, they are mostly trails beaten into the landscape. Smaller rails are not mapped and are as commonplace as a sidewalk. The "Rail Riders" tech allows a person on foot to traverse the rails, there are no ladders to climb no stairs or ramps to ascend. Simply turning on the magnetic catapult lifts the vehicle, or the person with the rail riders, up towards the rail. Once locked on they'll accelerate forward. If the magnets are active you cannot fall off the rail, but you can ride on top, or upside down on the underbelly of the railways. (Just don't hit a pylon). Trains always travel on top of the rails, they will decimate anything they hit and barely tremble. Each wall has an upper gate, for rail riders, and a small gate, for those of you who are walking or have shitty non-rail vehicles.