I can see that it will be, I have an idea of how I want my post to go, but Danny and Alexia tend to do their own thing. But I do know I want to build up to the party, considering it's our third encounter, or shall we move it back, allow some time to span between this night, and have one more night at Passion randomly occur that spurs some frantic emotion. I imagine, with Cadian hoping she'll return, and then Alexia not show up for a couple of nights, until she finally does, will be fun to do. Then we can pan to the party from there, Halloween in The Badlands, haha. And you can introduce your secondary character, and I'll have my hands full with Danny, Alexia, and Julian making his appearance with another character concept following him. The party is going to be a great arc. Well, from what I gathered when my father called me, he said that the paramedics had hooked this machine up to her and didn't see any cardiac issues or nothing. But they cannot rule it out without more tests and blood work. I could hear her in the background in pain, so I'm not sure what all happened. That is mildly comforting, I feel like heart attacks happen quite often and people bounce back from them. But, my grandfather - it pains me to this day - passed away from a heart attack about three-four years ago. So, I think it spurred my family in a panic overdrive. I'm keeping my hopes up and entirely optimistic, because that's all I can really do at this moment. edit. An update, she just got home a little while ago, it wasn't her heart, but they don't really know what it was either. So I'm going to go see her tonight when I'm available. Hopefully it's just a one time kind of event..