Character will be edited into here. [hider=Soon Enough][center][i]Appearance[/i] Animated or drawn is prefered but not required. Height: Weight: Eye color: Hair color: Other: {in case I forgot something}[/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Alias:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] {I'll accept anywhere from 13 to 25 as that is what the given time frame allows.} [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Classification:[/b] {Are you a human, inhuman, mutant, mutate, etc.} [b]Equipment:[/b] {What does your character carry around? What do they use? Etc.} [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] {In this area of the CS you tell us what your character can do. However, everything here correlates to things that anybody could do if they practiced, studied, learned, etc.} [b]Powers:[/b] {If your character has superpowers, this is where you tell us what they are. Do not simply apply a link or something. What are the powers limitations as of now? Will they fade? Etc. Give detail because as I stated before I do not wish for us to have full access to our powers or full control. Leave room to grow.} [b]Weaknesses:[/b] {This kind of reiterates the limitations of your powers. However, in addition you may add any added fears, traumas, or other afflictions which may plague your character. In some cases, the weakness may be a permanent defect. In others it may simply be an obstacle to overcome which will help make you stronger. This may help with Character development throughout the RP.} [b]Personality:[/b] {I don’t require you to describe your characters personality. It may simply be shown throughout the RP} [b]History:[/b] {Unlike Personality, I would like you to provide something for this. However, I do not require a lot. However, I would like it if you provided me with a minimum of 1 paragraph. If your character is some kind of revamped canon character you’re using in this new universe, I need you to let me know and you should consider going over the 1 paragraph limit and making sure to identify just how close they are the same and how different they may be.} [b]Other:[/b] {Did I forget something you may want to add? This is where ya do it.}[/hider]