[hider= Fimion ‘Fix’ Maakvulling] [u][b]Name/Nicknames: [/b][/u] Fimion ‘Fix’ Maakvulling [u][b]Race: [/b][/u] Gnoll [u][b]Age: [/b][/u] 24 [u][b] Appearance: [/b][/u] Fix to a human looks like most Gnolls, a cross somewhere between human and hyena with little to particularly distinguish one from another. That being said Fix would wholly disagree, to him and other Gnolls he is almost regal in the nature of his handsome features despite the grime and dirt which often accumulates – others of his species are constantly covered in far worse and usually combined with scabs, scars and other unsightly marks. He considers his lack of scarring a mark of his cunning and skill, so holds his physical appearance in quite high regard. His build like most Gnolls features a relatively short but well-built torso augmented with powerful hind quarters, which again despite what might initially look a rather small build carries surprising weight and crushing power due to the weight and strength of his bones and powerful muscles. His eyes gleam with a savage cunning and feral intelligence, which combined with his heterochromia (two different coloured irises, one orange the other a sickly shade of green) serves to give the Gnoll a rather sinister glare. His fur is a light grayish brown with an almost dark silver tint along what could be called his mane, again considered very attractive to other Gnolls. His teeth are large and savage, his canines and molars being able to crush through bone and fleshy substances with much ease as well as a great many other substances. Fix has concealed under his fur the marks of an occasional Runez user, though his deep fur covers these at his current level of use. The other many drugs he indulges in are somewhat less scaring to his physical appearance, again due to the hardy constitution of his race and a great deal of use balanced with a healthy dose of restraint when it comes to crossing the line from use to abuse. Fix dresses again a great deal better than any other Gnoll, but still quite removed from the imitation of humanity he is mirroring. A sharp but battered Stetson usually sits atop his brow with his lower body covered in what remains of a once fine suit, shirt and suspenders – now covered of course in a liberal helping of grit, grime and filth as well as blood. [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u] Fix is driven by his need for greed, seeking wealth, power, prestige and practically anything else he can sink his sharp claws into. He dislikes most other Gnolls, seeing that they generally act like idiotic vermin and can’t be trusted further than their own short-sighted self-interests. That being said some individuals can prove themselves to him, but prove themselves they must. He wouldn't let his beliefs ever interfere with a business transaction or potential powerful ally, far from it even, constantly trying to convince other Gnolls to act less like themselves and more like he does, though the majority of his more savagely minded brethren take great offense to this. Fix is also, surprisingly, driven by a great love of all things narcotic and mind altering, be they drugs, drink, smoke or anything else considered bad and indulgent. Even for a Gnoll his tolerance is high, again he has had much practise through his youth and seems to be genetically pre-disposed to agree with such things and suffer less of the negative effects that others might, though again take his fixes away from him and a sober Fix will quickly degenerate into a nasty savage and downright bad tempered mood, followed by rage and a reversion to his more primal and animalistic nature. Something he of course does everything within his power to avoid. Always a comedian, like other Gnolls his sense of humour is…unique. Easy to entertain, hard to shut up, some people seem to take to him, others definitely not so much. He is as likely to be making a bad joke as much as he is to be making a real threat, again it’s not easy for others to place a finger on his exact temperament at any given time due to his nature. His nature depends a great deal on how useful you are, what he thinks of your temperament and appearance and how funny you are. [u][b]Bio: [/b][/u] Born just outside of Santa Somabra as one of a litter of eight, like most Gnolls his childhood was a frantic scrabble to just survive and avoid becoming the runt of the litter. Fast to mature he and his siblings soon joined with the family pack and learnt how the world treated them, though he seemed a whole sight smarter than any of his brothers or sisters it took quite a while before he was able to capitalize on such things and break out from the pack without abandoning them outright. Making his way into The Narrows to work he quickly established that he absolutely loved narcotics, though lacking the cold hard cash he needed to buy what he wanted he set about creating an income for himself and become one of the innumerable petty dealers that loitered endlessly, being supplied some of the lowest quality gear available from his Gnollish elders. It soon became clear to him that no one actually wanted the shit he was selling, and to rise above the rest he would need to up the quality of his merchandise, finding a few Gnolls that too realised they were cutting themselves out of a lucrative market by being notoriously untrustworthy and selling only the cheapest lowest level stuff. Unfortunately when he tried to explain this to his siblings and the other Gnolls, they disagreed and saw no need for any such changes. Feigning submission to avoid a beating he and others slipped away in the night to move permanently into The Narrows and they started acting less like Gnolls and more like the wealthier races they seek to emulate. Starting off small-time and working towards bigger and better things, if you need drugs and supplies he is one of the many sources available having worked with several of the many gangs that comprise the Rats, occasionally the Italians and even rarely The Chinatown Tong. He has tried but been unable to make contacts within the The Nyctari family, who have snubbed or flat out ignored the enterprising Gnoll and his little ragtag group of Gnollish ‘scientists’ and runners. At the street level the best way to get in touch with him is to pass a message to one of his Gnollish dealers that lurks in The Narrows. Fix however is all too aware that with the prestige and wealth he desires he walks a fine line between stepping on toes and pulling a bullseye directly over his back, something he is smart enough to avoid at all costs, seeing how the other races treat him and his Gnolls. He also works with the less sophisticated of Gnolls where possible, again trying to bridge the gap between their savagery and the rest of Santa Somabra for his own gains whilst rewarding them as much as can be afforded and avoiding drawing in the ire of the petty gangs they comprise. Drawing a small group of the more enterprising of his kinsmen together they own a warehouse on the edge of The Narrows which they guard fiercely and use as a storehouse and drug processing den as well as living quarters, their closest guarded secret. [/hider]