And you're idea is great actually. Can do a post that just skirts a few days of looking, and not finding her. Build up the need to catch up to her a bit more. I think between us, it's fine, but I'm not doing such a good job displaying it in character. I started it a bit late, so that'd be great to rev it up a bit. And yeah, this party is going to be major! They probably did an echo, checking for S/T wave changes (NSTEMI or non s/t elevated myocardial infarction). Not that they are always present in a coronary episode, but they are fairly common. They probably did a blood panel to check for cardiac enzymes, to see if any elevations are there that typically hint at the event. The good news is she's home, and I hope resting comfortably. I'm glad to hear it wasn't her heart, though. I'm sure they'll figure out what it was.