[b][u]Character Sheet[/u][/b] [center][i]Appearance[/i] Normal: [img]http://i.imgur.com/ltB1CHV.jpg[/img] Armor: [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/prototype/images/a/ad/P2_Alex_Armor_DLC_fr.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120516221524[/img] Animated or drawn is prefered but not required. Height: Usual: 5'9 Juggernaut: 7’1 Weight: Normal: 190lbs Juggernaut: 310 lbs Eye color: -Former: Hazel -Current: Crimson with black irises Hair color: Is dyed Charcoal Black Other: Has a burn scar on his mid abdomen[/center] [b]Name:[/b] William K Amaquelin [b]Alias:[/b] The Juggernaut [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Classification:[/b] Inhuman [b]Equipment:[/b] -Crimson Cosmos Armor: Like his predecessor William has access to the Crimson Cosmos Armor a would be helmet and armor set made from the mysterious metal of the Crimson Cosmos Galaxy residing within the gem of Cyttorak, however due to his young age and unique abilities upon becoming the Juggernaut the armor took a drastic change. Instead of being connected in physical form the armor is instead connected mentally. It grows as his body does and he can summon this armor by thinking it as he would his psionic constructs. -Psionic Aids: A set of devices developed by his adopted father to help him master his psionic abilities. One is a chest plate, one is a gauntlet on his left and and the last is a bracelet on his right wrist [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] He is fluent in his people’s language Tilan, as well English and is able to learn languages within an above moderate amount of time. He is able to summon and remove his armor at will like a thought. Receiving training and tutelage from the Inhumans as well as his father at a young age he is a proficient hand to hand fighter with an above average intellect, making him quick on his feet and his fist. Due to years of being influenced by Cyttorak his willpower currently trumps his mental prowess, being to fight off the demons words and concentrate on what needs to be done. [b]Powers:[/b] Psionics: User can use various forms of psychic/mentalability and powers, using their mind to induce paranormal phenomena, such as telekinesis,foresight, etc. -Psionic Constructs: Can change his psychic energy into tools, objects, weapons and other items. -Force Field: Can create a personal telekinetic forcefield around himself to enhance his durability. -Tactile Telekinesis: Can use his Psionics to enhance his speed, strength, agility and other fighting skills to higher levels. Avatar of Cyttorak: Being the Avatar to the Demon Cyttorak the Crimson Gem endows its owner with great strength while bonding the user's soul making them an literal unstoppable force. Superhuman Strength: Like the Juggernaut before him he posses great superhuman strength. It unknown if it is virtually limitless like the others but his max record is 70 tons. Regenerative Healing Factor: If damaged Willaim possesses a healing factor to heal and sometimes regenerate at superhuman speed. (Time depends on wound. Gun wounds would instant while broken limbs will usually take an hour depending on the severity.) Irresistible Force Embodiment: Once he begins to advance in a certain direction, it is virtually impossible to halt his movement.Some obstacles such as many tons of rocks and plasma-discharge cannons have slowed his pace but can't completely halt him. Superhuman Stamina: The Juggernaut's body generates almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him almost limitless stamina in all physical activities. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Mental Attacks: Though his armor and abilities protect him from mental attacks he is not completely immune, if the mental attacker is greater than he is he will be affected. -Cyttoraks Influence: As the Crimson Gem’s purpose to was make an unstoppable force that only craves destruction and bloodshed William is constantly fighting back the destructive urges the demon’s gem whispers into his very being. - Natural Desires: If any Juggernaut does not follow their natural desires the gem will not be fused with the owner's soul giving them only a fraction of what its true power is. - Self-forced mental barriers: Due to the fear of losing control and giving in to the urge to destroy William has made constant mental barriers through strict mediation. -Gem: If the Gem of Cyttorak is not fused with his soul it is possible for the gem to be removed as it will just be somewhere in his body. Without the Gem William will stop being the Juggernaut. -Irresistible Force: Being infused with unstoppable force can be used against him as it is very difficult for him to stop himself. [b]Personality:[/b] William is somewhat serious not understanding the humor of most his peers, He retains a loyalty to those he considers friends, but will often try to handle a person problem or situation by himself. [hider=My Hider][b]History:[/b] He was only baby when he was exposed the Terrigen Bomb in New York. His adoptive mother Medusa queen of the Inhumans and her lover the mutant known as Beast had told him they found him in the car of an abandoned Taxi. They never knew why he was left there and in perhaps was nature’s instincts at their peak the two took him in and had raised him as their own. His powers had manifested when he was 10 years old when was visiting an old friend of his father. The man was known as Charles Xavier and his father spoke of him in the highest regards. While playing in the courtyard of what he believed to be a school he had saw a butterfly past and by coincidence made a psionic replica of it. Amazed he had tried to do it again but it harder than it looked. He tried again again with whatever he could see around him he was so focused on figuring out how his new power worked he didn't noticed the hulking mass charging it's was toward him. Cain Marko the juggernaut in a frenzy came to settle the score with his brother Charles and he was in the middle of it. Marko had lifted him off the ground and squeezed hurting him. His father had lunged and clawed at the juggernauts body but the giant just shrugged and smacked him away. His body was in so much pain, he couldn't breathe then he saw him. A giant green hand about the size of Marko's grabbed his wrist and twisted it making him let William go. His savior stood as tall as Marko with skin green as emerald. "HULK SMASH!!" Said the green giant smashing both his fists into Marko sending him staggering back. As he watched in amazement his father pulling him away seeing if he was alright all he could do was watch the Hulk smash fist after fist into the juggernaut. A bolt of lightning had struck the juggernaut followed by an ionic blast. The avengers were here but all he could focus on was the hulk, and for some reason Marko. Something...something seemed strange something was calling him. Calling him to Marko, no calling him to the Gem of the Juggernaut the source of his powers. He didn't know if the others could he it by he could, Marko's chest glew bright red. The avengers with the help of Charles Xavier and his father eventually subdued Juggernaut and removed his gem. It was entrusted to the inhumans for Sadie keeping, but the force calling him never left. It stayed with him for 4 more years calling him pulling him until finally he answered it. One night after his daily training session William snuck into the vault the gem was kept, and placed his hand upon it. "HE WHO TOUCHES THE GEM SHALL ALSO POSSESS THE CRIMSON BANDS OF CYTTORAK BECOMING A HUMAN JUGGERNAUT!!" And thus a new Juggernaut was born a little young but one Cyttorak had taken a liking too[/hider] [b]Other:[/b]