Echelon Academy. Finest private school in the state of Florida. In a phrase, Echelon Academy stands for "Education at it's finest". The rules are strict, the uniforms are stiff and conservative, the schedules are to be followed to the second, and any tomfoolery is punished with efficient severity. Echelon Academy prides itself on producing sharp and conforming members of society, and their reputation is held upon a velvet pillow. And in the mother of all coincidences, 70% of the students are fantastical creatures, and nobody knows it, not even the people of myth themselves. But perhaps that will change sooner than later... Within the walls of Echelon Academy, you'll find vampires going through a bit of an "otaku" phase, werewolves male and female who comically refer to their full-moon transformations as their "period", witches and wizards who disguise their spell books with the cover of their math textbook, fairies who attend classes unseen and who are responsible for more than half the pranks pulled on other students, angels at the top of their class and demons just checking out asses. Vampire hunters, Mermaids, Elves, even a Goddess or two, they all attend Pre-Calculus together. And if by some chance they became aware of each other... well, who knows? Would a centuries-long feud between vampires and werewolves provoke war within the cafeteria? Would the Vampire Hunter and the hot Vampire Boy/Girl fall in forbidden love? Would the witches and wizards fangasm at all the people they could study and experiment on? Would even one person make it out of this alive? I see nothing but good things in these kid's futures. __________________________________________________________ My basic rules are these: Obviously, this is an Advanced Roleplay, so please don't post one-liners. But on the other hand, please don't pointlessly pad a post out to meet an unnecessary length: write only what matters. I will play as one character, and act as the sort of GM of this story, whether that be controlling teacher actions, or the actions of other, less story-centric characters, or environmental cues, etc. You all get to have a character of your own, but only one please! Other than that, just don't be a jerk, and we'll be fine! Thanks for showing your interest!