[img]http://img11.deviantart.net/bb02/i/2015/119/0/b/pokemon_trainer__carter_by_sneedham507-d3epuip.jpg[/img] [h1][color=#FE9A2E]"Hm... Where should we go next?"[/color][/h1] [h3]Wye Coldren[/h3] [color=#FE9A2E]Gender[/color] Male [color=#FE9A2E]Appearance[/color] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/4120/f/2011/223/1/1/carter__s_new_design_by_zoidsfan507-d4692jz.png[/img] [color=#FE9A2E]Age[/color] 19 [color=#FE9A2E]Hometown[/color] Dracotia Village [hider=Young Wye] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/498c/th/pre/i/2015/116/5/6/child_carter_by_sneedham507-d4hnit1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=#FE9A2E]Personality[/color] Wye seems like a kind person at first sight, and he is in many ways. However, he is definitely capable of making [i]hard decisions[/i] that many might not dare to make. He can become ruthless and cruel for self-preservation or protecting his partners and friends. He tries to be easy to get along with and can even come across a bit goofy at times. [color=#FE9A2E]History[/color] Wye had been a trainer for quite some time. While he was young, his family moved away to a faraway region. There, his parents worked as pokemon researchers that focused on long term evolutions of pokemon that took several generations for species to gradually change instead of the metamorphosis they underwent in a matter of moments. At the age of 12, he received a pokemon from his father, Blu. At first, they humored him, letting him be a "field researcher", but as a trainer, he proved to be quite skillful. The region they lived at at the time was made of a series of islands with different variants of the same pokemon on different islands. So as Wye caught a couple of pokemon near their home, his father proposed something to the young trainer. So he started his journey in that region, conquering the gyms and aiming for pokemon league while catching pokemon to send to his parents to help with their research. After getting eliminated in the top 16, he went on to another region with one pokemon he'd caught, Eddie, and his first partner, Blu. With his two pokemon, he moved on to the Hoenn region, where he partook in contests instead of doing the gym challenge. For the contests, he worked primarily with two pokemon he'd caught there, a kirlia he named Ellie, and a metagross named Mali. It was there that he learned about mega evolution and got his first Mega Stone and Keystone. With the help of his team, he got a master ribbon for Mali's "cool" appeal, and an ultra ribbon for Ellie's "beauty" appeal. He went back to live with his parents at that point until the age of 17. After returning to Dracotia Village, he kept Mali there with him for his journey. Near the village, he met with Walden while he was a Gible. They became quick friends. A little over a year later, after a short period of studying, Wye decided to continue his journey. As he left the village, Walden followed him. He only noticed until he reached the next city over, where Walden joined him by his own accord. Fray was a strange case. This ninja pokemon was following the two around after Walden had an encounter with him and evolved into a Gabite, set on defeatining his rival, the ground dragon. From time to time, he'd attack, but Wye hadn't a clue that the froakie was following them around. During one of their battles, just as Fray was about to lose once again, he grew as well. After a long battle between the two pokemon, they both knocked each other out. In order to make it easier to bring him to the Pokemon Center, Wye placed Fray into a pokeball. Although intent on releasing Fray later on, Wye grew fond to the pokemon. For the last year, Wye has been travelling around freely with his pokemon, strengthening his bonds with them while looking for interesting places in the world. He aspires to become an expert in pokemon biology as his father was, but his interest is more in mega evolution rather than Darwinian. [color=#FE9A2E]Pokemon[/color] [hider=Metagross] [h2][color=#D8D8D8]Mali[/color][/h2] [img]http://irgamers.cl/index/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Metagross__Normal.png[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#D8D8D8]Clear Body[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] Mega Stone [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#D8D8D8]Meteor Mash[/color] - [color=#D8D8D8]Bullet Punch[/color] - [color=#A9E2F3]Ice Punch[/color] - [color=#F781F3]Zen Headbutt[/color] [/hider] [hider=Totodile] [h2][color=#2E9AFE]Blu ♀[/color][/h2] [img]http://pa1.narvii.com/5819/dec6139a28fe7065bae95dc38b204bd3816e337a_hq.gif[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#8A0829][i]Sheer Force[/i][/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] N/A [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#BE81F7]Dragon Dance[/color] - [color=#2E9AFE]Aqua Jet[/color] - [color=#6E6E6E]Bite[/color] - [color=#A9E2F3]Ice Punch[/color] [/hider] [hider=Haxorus] [h2][color=#BE81F7]Eddie ♂[/color][/h2] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/6a77/i/2010/259/5/8/ononokusu_by_seiryuuden-d2yvi8n.png[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#0431B4]Mold Breaker[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] N/A [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#BE81F7]Dragon Dance[/color] - [color=#BE81F7]Dragon Claw[/color] - [color=#FF4000]Brick Break[/color] - [color=#6E6E6E]Night Slash[/color] [/hider] [hider=Gabite] [h2][color=#B45F04]Walden ♂[/color][/h2] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/7721/th/pre/i/2013/161/e/b/gabite_used_flamethrower_by_yassui-d68hc8t.png[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Sand Veil[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] N/A [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#6E6E6E]Bite[/color] - [color=#BE81F7]Outrage[/color] - [color=#B45F04]Sandstorm[/color] - [color=#B45F04]Sand Tomb[/color] [/hider] [hider=Frogadier] [h2][color=#01DFD7]Fray ♂ - Shiny[/color][/h2] [img]http://pa1.narvii.com/5962/daf9e723764dee7609ced80e38ac3abe7fae6977_hq.gif[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Protean[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] N/A [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Water Pulse[/color] - [color=#FAFAFA]Substitute[/color] - [color=#848484]Smack Down[/color] - [color=#B45F04]Dig[/color] [/hider]