Well, I may not have all the fancy stuffs like some have to try to get you hooked into playing, mostly because this is just an idea. So bear with me on this. Okay. So if any of you have seen the 1982 horror movie "The Thing", I wondered how cool of an RP the concept would make if done correctly. For those who haven't seen it, the idea goes: [color=f7941d]A group of scientists stuck at an Antarctic research outpost are slaughtered one-by-one by an alien creature 'the thing'. But this isn't any ordinary or conventional alien from your typical sci-if horror flick. This monster has no form. It's a pile of flesh and bone that digests you alive and then uses your DNA to replicate your form and behavior, masking its identity for its next unsuspecting victim.[/color] Now, as you can imagine, the paranoia in this movie is off the charts. Nobody knows who's real and who's a [color=f7941d]thing[/color]. Not even the viewer. I thought, with some sort of mechanic, this could make for a really cool RP that invokes the same paranoia into each one of you players. So I decided, after a long time of inactivity on this site, to peruse to see if anyone has done such a [color=f7941d]thing[/color] but to no avail really. I still don't have a clue if someone has done this concept, but if they have, well, here's a new one. Possibly. So maybe with some support, this RP can become a [color=f7941d]thing[/color] for us to enjoy. Lemme know if you're interested. Any ideas are strongly welcomed as well.