Wooho! it's Friday!! How's your mom? Ofcourse I do! I can't wait to get into Cadian's reactions about not seeing her. Some fretting about the fact that she's not there.. not that he ever quite got used to the fact that she was, but hoping she'd come around again, and then having them questioned by the fact that she hasn't been seen for a few times, it would just gnaw at him. A curiosity about her that he just can't explain or quite understand... My week got exciting. The state, for the first time in a number of years, far longer than I've been here, gave out substantial raises... to some. Luckily I was on the receiving end; however, there were many around me who were not. There seems to be no rhyme or reason connected to it that I can figure out. Some hard working, long time employees got little to nothing. An employee in my unit who has a major attendance problem (She lost half of last years salary to leave without pay) got a raise to the cap (7%). Which she promptly went and shared with EVERYONE, which prompted some hurt feelings. The worse of it, management had NOTHING to do with it. It's the parent organization (Department of Human Services) who made the call. So they can't even give an explanation as to WHY. Not that any explanations would help, per say, but at least they'd have some sort of answer. A crappy way of going about it, in my opinion... but hey. At least I got my 7% (silver lining). Aint optimism grand. The worst part of it was being around so many upset people. For days, my unit, which is normally quite lively and happy, has been filled with complaints, and grumblings, and this tense feeling of anger. Today feels better. Several just took off today to extend the holiday weekend. Hopefully Tuesday will have them at least in better control. NEW song I discovered... Unshatter Me - Saliva. I find it sounds a lot like Hinder's last CD with Austin, so it's got a good sound to it.