Picking ahroun lupus from the Silver Fangs. Destiny 5 Pure Breed 5. Name's "Belligerent Knight Of Gaia Decimates Her Enemies, Viciously", because his mom believed that his purpose and the goal of his life overrides who he is. Guy has a magical ability to not notice things that might upset him and don't set into his worldview, like irony or other werewoofs being bad, cowardly or wicked persons. Also believes earnestly that if everyone just STOPPED BEING SHITS and worked together everything would've been much better. His bloodline's motto is "Illuminati Noctem". His right of passage included being beaten six hundred and thirty two times with a thick stick, being locked in a cellar full of meat for a week, fighting against an armored and armed, if quote old, adult of his family in a single combat and getting the sigil of his ultrahardline militant bloodline burned into the meat of his chest without producing a single sound. Plus the typical hunting voyage into the umbra and severe mauling and near-death at the claws of a nexus crawler because the young and severely intoxicated guy was suicidally retarded enough to actually take one on.