[hider=Soren Gale] [center][img]http://thebestfashionblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Men%E2%80%99s-Modern-Haircuts-2015-15.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [color=tan]Soren Gale[/color] [b]Nickname:[/b] Eyrie [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Psychiatric Condition:[/b] Multiple Personality Disorder, Severe ADD [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Ave Mimicry[/i] – The ability to both communicate with and take on aspects of animals belonging to the class Aves. Only one aspect of a bird can be taken on at a time (For example, wings that can grant flight). Communication is available as long as an avian is there to listen. [i]Nocturnal Vision[/i] – The ability to see in the dark as if the room was fully lit. Soren can trigger this gift at will, though he is vulnerable to sudden shifts in light. The lights in a pitch-black room suddenly being turned on without his knowledge would blind him for roughly ten seconds, followed by a few more of blurry vision. While this ability is in use, Soren’s pupils narrow to cat-like slits. [b]History:[/b] They took him young, ripping him from the window of his bedroom on the second floor. A few chickadees chittered angrily at the men dragging the screaming child away, though flew off as primal fear took over. They could escape at will and continue life as if nothing had happened. The boy on the other hand, didn’t have wings and hollow bones. He was struck to the ground as he was learning to fly, a cruel twist of fate if one ever existed. That’s all he could remember before be blacked out. Years passed, his life becoming four walls of unjust imprisonment. Every day, a barn owl would land in his cell’s window and the pair would chat. He told the bird the struggles of life without freedom, and the bird told him of the outside world. Thanks to that feathered friend of his, the boy was able to start thinking for himself. He studied the laws when he could, devouring any piece of information he could get his hands on with an insatiable hunger. The key wasn’t to escape, he concluded. It was to be freed willingly. Soon enough, two faces developed. One the obedient captive, the other a benevolent lawman. He would bring the asylum to court, alone if he had to, and would sue for his freedom. Like a new age Dred Scott, he wouldn’t give up until he could walk among the common man without a second glance. After all, those in the asylum were human. [b]Crush:[/b] N/A [b]Other:[/b] While he wants to pursue legal freedom for all, he isn’t adverse to helping others escape by indirect means. He is also notably fond of barn owls. [b]Roommate:[/b] Open [b]Played by:[/b] Mega Birb[/hider]