[hider=Fallen Angel] [center] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/37000000/Aaron-Johnson-2014-aaron-johnson-37046631-675-900.jpg[/img] Height: 6 feet Weight: 175 Eye color: green Hair color: black Other: -he has two large Raven black wings on his back with sharp talons on the sloping bend part of wings -he tends to wear all black. His shirts are low back or backless to accommodate his wings and often they are sleeveless. He tends to wear black jeans and black combat style boots.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Damon Slavsky [b]Alias:[/b] Fallen Angel [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Classification:[/b] Mutant [b]Equipment:[/b] He isn't often carrying around a sword or dagger, but he owns one of each. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] -Hand to hand combat: Damon is good at street type fighting. -Sword and dagger skills: Damon is good at fighting with a sword and/or a dagger -Hand to wing combat: the talons on his wings are slightly curved giving him sharp weapons. -Bi lingual: Being of Russian background he can understand and speak Russian along with English...though his accent makes him hard to understand sometimes. [b]Powers:[/b] -Flight: the massive wings with a 7 foot wingspan allow him to fly. He hasn't quite gotten landing at full speed down yet. -Healing: no where near wolverine level. If he is shot in the head he will die. His wings are able to regenerate, but it takes around 24 hours if fully removed. Non fatal wounds heal faster then normal. -Strength: Damon can lift around 1 ton currently with his max becoming 5 tons later on. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Fatal wounds -He does not like his wings being touched due to some events in his past. -Self isolated -fear of his past [b]Personality:[/b] -He is a loner, partly because he does not really know how to socialize well and partly because he does not want to get close to anyone. He is the strong silent type. [b]History:[/b] -Damon's past is not one of happiness. his mother seemed normal and married a man was was completely human. They seemed happy enough until Damon was born. His wings were a clear sign that he was anything but normal and that was when his father became violent. Aggressive because he accused his mother of tricking him to spread the mutant genes. His father even became violent toward his own son. Disowning him and often being physically abusive. When Damon was 9 years old his mother managed to finally have enough to get both of them out of there. They ran to the US and moved around to avoid being found and to avoid any problems Damon might have. Those were the happiest years of his life. Unfortunately, this happiness was not meant to last. His mother became sick with cancer and died a year ago. After being seen at the hospital, he was offered, but he declined until recently. [b]Other:[/b] -he has a scar on his chest which he refuses to talk about -his wings are just as strong as his arms if not stronger. So a hit by them would be painful. Kind of like a swan. (Still limited by same weight restrictions.) -he refuses to say where exactly in Russia he came from as he does not like to speak of his past and a small amount of fear that he will be found by his father. My favorite marvel character is black panther. [/hider]