[quote=@Demon Shinobi] Still, I'm not quite sure they'd allow him on the team or at least out in the field with his physical composition. He doesn't really have training or abilities that would work. At most he would probably be like... I'm not sure what to call it. He'd stay back with a computer or whatever and monitor from a safe position. Typically. I'm sure we could think of a way around it. Like yeah gadgets and stuff are good and all, but if you don't have anything that would really work for training, it might not work out. [/quote] Oh, but he has [i]PLENTY[/i] to contribute! His major ability is making people do things by simply speaking to them - to the level of "make an enraged person stop dead in their tracks by using a highly specific voice pattern and volume to remind him of his extremely abusive mother" or "convince a man to eat all of the fingers on his hands after sharing a drink and five minutes of small talk together" so he is good at both negotiating, manipulating intimidating and inspiring people around. His presence makes physical investigation a breeze thanks to the Sherlock Holmes-tier deduction bullshittery, his mathematical capabilities allow him to thrive in combat by analysing enemies' patterns and styles and predicting their movements and attacks in order to evade and counteract and a gun with trick ammo or a taser is actually a very potent weapon against a great deal of heroes if they are not tanks or regenerators and he can provide useful gadgets and first aid. Plus, isn't the Academy supposed to teach its students the values of teamwork and cooperation and how to properly use their powers by themselves and in conjuction with others' abilities? In the field, they all, squishies included have to work together or suck on Deathlok's rusty robot balls.