[@knighthawk]lol gotcha, sorry I'm kind blah cause it's been kind of a long day lol thanks for humoring my curiosity :) [@Keksalot]i see what you mean. I'm just worried, partially due to the point that many villains and characters in the marvel universe could either resist or is too crazy, strong-willed or some other thing that would bypass the talking thing, even if there are a bunch who would also be susceptible to it. Also need to be careful with that part because of the potential danger of the ability. Also I wasn't sayin he couldn't contribute. I know full well he can contribute lol I'm just more worried for him than any other character in the rp because it feels like he is a bit more susceptible to danger. I'm probably also weary because any character I have seen who can talk to people and make them do stuff has been evil lol there was a Spider-Man in an alternate reality who could talk to people, just talk and they would want to and did commit suicide. And then there is kilgrave(from Jessica jones) who is based on the purple man who has a power. Basically people do whatever he says. Like mind control. Of course I will give him moments to shine like everyone else. I will accept him. Move him to the character tab as well. Now it's just the juggernaut. Also, kinda bad example lol Brainiac is DC. Maybe doom or ultron would be a better example XD