[center][h2][color=tan]Soren Gale[/color][/h2][/center] Soren peeled his eyes from the book in his lap as his cell door clattered open. He had awoken early as per usual, instinct demanding he was always awake just before dawn and doing something within an hour. His routine usually involved basic exercise and then some breakfast, but today was a break from the usual. Simply put, the asylum's library had received a few new text to read, and the man had capitalized on that. He stole a glance at the bottom of the page and memorized the number, then stood with a grunt. Sitting still for a couple hours has a habit of locking up muscles. After a quick stretch, Soren took a walk out of his cell to the dining area and looked around. He knew almost everyone that was already here, having been in the prison for nearly his entire life. The thought brought back the few memories he had of life before this concrete shell, though he shrugged them off. He had played them over in his head hundreds, if not thousands of times, picking out bits and pieces of his abduction, storing them away in writing to use in a court case. If only he could prove his sanity... Sighing at his one hope, the man grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and an entire carton of blueberries, along with a glass of water, and sat at the end of a table, somewhere near the center of the room. A brief thought of escape crossed his mind, all he would have to do is get to the top of the building and glide to the mainland... but no, he would inevitably end up back here, just in solitary for a year or two, forgotten and left to rot. [color=tan]"There's gotta be a way to bring this place down..."[/color] With yet another sigh, Soren dropped a couple blueberries into his mouth.