What was the story, if you don't mind my inquiry? :D You're kind of like me in that regard, I'd rather just hang out on the boat and enjoy the weather and waves, and see the sights than just sit there quietly hoping a dumbass aquatic Dory comes along and nibbles on some bait that looks like nothing you'd find in the fucking lake, henceforth proving why exactly we're the dominant species and they're not baiting us to be caught. I honestly can't remember the last time I went fishing. It's weird to think about; there's so many things you put down, fully expecting to go back to... and then you never do. They sound like pretty awesome roomies, despite the sex thing haha. It was kind of like my first roommates, bedrooms right next to each other and our apartment was a small two bedroom ordeal where I couldn't really put anything in the living room because they had so much shit and all they did was play World of Warcraft in the living room so it's not like I'd ever be hanging out with them. Big age gaps like that always weirded me out. O_o I like cats when they're friendly, but I am also allergic so they're out. >_> Fortunately, dogs are wonderful. That's funny, I can't recall if I've ever seen them before or not, Forester's. I probably should get life insurance, but yeah, there's a list of things I need to square away before I even get to that. I'm not sure what the insurance thing is like in most places, but wherever I've worked, insurance was a group plan with the company, not really any questions asked with it.