[quote=@Eyeruption] [@Nosuchthing] Well, i'm in no position to actually argue in here since i'm not even playing, but i'd want to know that exactly because they aren't shown. I would be equally okay with them both having weaknesses matching their powers or not having any, but either way i'd know that it settles in the In-Game world neatly and justifiedly. [/quote] I'm going to be honest, I cannot conceive of why it matters. Like, the In-Game world has characters that are super-powerful without obvious weakness, just like it probably has some poor schmuck whose power is that he can, I don't know, hold his breath 33% longer than the average person. We, as players, don't play the former because it damages drama and narrative and creates a power arms-race of the same type that has been ruining Marvel and DC, where the characters are always in superpower flex-offs and narrative and careful storytelling are trampled in, again, DBZ style 'muh power level' nonsense. That all makes perfect sense, right? I don't see why this is hard.